Cymbalta side effects anyone? Does it make you tired?


My doc increased my Cymbalta dose over the last 6 weeks from 40 to 60 and then a few days ago to 90. I'm wondering if anyone has had any side effects with a higher dose? Any info is appreciated ! Thanks !


I didn’t notice any problems until I started to discontinue cymbalta. I had horrible withdrawal from it and it took over a month for me to get off of it. If they are just doing a trial of this drug to see if you have fibro pain too, I’m not sure that it’s worth it. Taking stabs in the dark with a drug that Is notoriously difficult to DC isn’t good medicine IMO.

I have not heard of Cymbalta from my Rheumatologist - just the DMARDs. Is it a DMARD or for pain? I know I've seen it on TV and would also be curious to hear from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers about this drug.

Cymbalta is the only anti-depressant that has withdrawals coming off of it like you have the flu, I’ve been on this for years with no side effects.

I have been on it for about a year and love it. The only side effects are when you don’t take it everyday. The half life is so small on this that just missing one dose you will start to feel the withdrawal symptoms. This drug helped a lot with some of the aching annoying pain that was always there. I have anxiety also so this drug did double duty for me and I love it.

Script ran out and was without for about a week. Horrible depression, anxiety, never realized how much I was reliant. Some of the problems were undoubtedly from the withdrawl but some were examples of how well it was working while i took it. Started to have unexplained pain and aches again. Was miseable. I want to hear more from others.

I am so happy with Cymbalta. I have no side effects at all

I have a lot of nerve pain from spinal stenosis and fibromyalgia, and it lessened my pain. I am also on gabapentin for nerve pain and the combination seems to work well.
Faye said:

I have not heard of Cymbalta from my Rheumatologist - just the DMARDs. Is it a DMARD or for pain? I know I’ve seen it on TV and would also be curious to hear from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers about this drug.

I understand that Zoloft has similar flu-like severe withdrawal symptoms if not weaned correctly.

Hope said:

Cymbalta is the only anti-depressant that has withdrawals coming off of it like you have the flu, I've been on this for years with no side effects.

Hi Faye,

Cymbalta is an anti-depressant that is also suppose to help with pain at a certain dose. I don't know if you have read the thread on this forum about the connection between inflammatory diseases and depression - you can do a search for it. Apparently PsA can cause depression, so many people with PsA and RA and other inflammatory diseases take Cymbalta for depression and to help with pain. You'd have to talk to your doctor about the dose needed to help with pain etc. As someone already noted, you need to be VERY careful weaning off of it because you can have severe withdrawal symptoms. You would need to talk to your doc about it.

Did I answer your question?


Faye said:

I have not heard of Cymbalta from my Rheumatologist - just the DMARDs. Is it a DMARD or for pain? I know I've seen it on TV and would also be curious to hear from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers about this drug.

The problem with discontinuing it lies in that there aren’t doses to wean to. The capsules come in doses of 30, 40 mgs, but to wean off, the doses need to be even smaller to avoid the withdrawal syndrome. I was pulling the capsules apart and counting the little beads inside to make smaller doses so that I could avoid that. It wasn’t fun. It also would have been nice if my doc had told me that this would happen before I discontinued the med. I didn’t expect it because I had only been taking it for 3 months. The experience has made me very wary when trying new drugs. I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing!

Anyhoo, I just like to warn anyone who is taking it about discontinuing it. It’s not a fun sort of surprise to have!

Thanks, Frances! I see the tv commercials but never would've put that together from what you see on tv. Tx again. Faye

Frances said:

Hi Faye,

Cymbalta is an anti-depressant that is also suppose to help with pain at a certain dose. I don't know if you have read the thread on this forum about the connection between inflammatory diseases and depression - you can do a search for it. Apparently PsA can cause depression, so many people with PsA and RA and other inflammatory diseases take Cymbalta for depression and to help with pain. You'd have to talk to your doctor about the dose needed to help with pain etc. As someone already noted, you need to be VERY careful weaning off of it because you can have severe withdrawal symptoms. You would need to talk to your doc about it.

Did I answer your question?


Faye said:

I have not heard of Cymbalta from my Rheumatologist - just the DMARDs. Is it a DMARD or for pain? I know I've seen it on TV and would also be curious to hear from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers about this drug.

I know Faye, the commercials are very vague. I'm glad this discussion is helpful for you.

Faye said:

Thanks, Frances! I see the tv commercials but never would've put that together from what you see on tv. Tx again. Faye

Frances said:

Hi Faye,

Cymbalta is an anti-depressant that is also suppose to help with pain at a certain dose. I don't know if you have read the thread on this forum about the connection between inflammatory diseases and depression - you can do a search for it. Apparently PsA can cause depression, so many people with PsA and RA and other inflammatory diseases take Cymbalta for depression and to help with pain. You'd have to talk to your doctor about the dose needed to help with pain etc. As someone already noted, you need to be VERY careful weaning off of it because you can have severe withdrawal symptoms. You would need to talk to your doc about it.

Did I answer your question?


Faye said:

I have not heard of Cymbalta from my Rheumatologist - just the DMARDs. Is it a DMARD or for pain? I know I've seen it on TV and would also be curious to hear from other psoriatic arthritis sufferers about this drug.

Thanks for letting us know about the withdrawal. you'd think the drug company would have smaller doses to help with withdrawal !

GrumpyCat said:

The problem with discontinuing it lies in that there aren't doses to wean to. The capsules come in doses of 30, 40 mgs, but to wean off, the doses need to be even smaller to avoid the withdrawal syndrome. I was pulling the capsules apart and counting the little beads inside to make smaller doses so that I could avoid that. It wasn't fun. It also would have been nice if my doc had told me that this would happen before I discontinued the med. I didn't expect it because I had only been taking it for 3 months. The experience has made me very wary when trying new drugs. I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing!

Anyhoo, I just like to warn anyone who is taking it about discontinuing it. It's not a fun sort of surprise to have!

I have just started Cymbalta. It has really helped me with energy, anxiety, and pain. Over the years I have been on several antidepressants. Most recently I was on Zoloft but it wasn't really helping me much. I stopped the Zoloft cold turkey and had no withdrawal or anything. After reading other people's experiences with withdrawal and side effects, I was a little scared to try it. The only real side effects for me with Cymbalta is trouble sleeping and low appetite(no appetite). I'm really hoping it will help me lose weight. It has given me energy. So far, I don't feel tired at all. I am on a low dose though. 30 mg.

That's wonderful that the Cymbalta is giving you energy. I haven't noticed a difference either way.

mom5 said:

I have just started Cymbalta. It has really helped me with energy, anxiety, and pain. Over the years I have been on several antidepressants. Most recently I was on Zoloft but it wasn't really helping me much. I stopped the Zoloft cold turkey and had no withdrawal or anything. After reading other people's experiences with withdrawal and side effects, I was a little scared to try it. The only real side effects for me with Cymbalta is trouble sleeping and low appetite(no appetite). I'm really hoping it will help me lose weight. It has given me energy. So far, I don't feel tired at all. I am on a low dose though. 30 mg.

I probably spoke too soon. Last night my heart was racing all night. I have tachycardia which was under control with verapamil. Since I have only been on Cymbalta for a week, I think it caused my heart to race. It is the only thing I have changed. Cymbalta really seemed to help me but it isn't worth the risk.

Hi Mom5, so sorry you had the scarey experience. Are you sure it's the Cymbalta? Is that a side effect of it?

It took my body about a week to 10 days to adjust. It has worked wonerfully. Hope it works for you.

I didn't have any adjustment period - the one time I've been lucky ! :-) I DID NOTICE WHEN i INCREASED FROM 60 MG TO 90 MG that it made me more tired. So, I'm back to taking 60 mg.