Cymbalta Stories

I have not seen any recent threads on Cymbalta, After a lengthy discussion with my GP I'm going to try it and pray that I am one of the fortunate people for whom there are more benefits than adverse events.

Anyone wanna share a GOOD experience with it for pain and depression?

I am currently on Cymbalta. I am sensitive to serotonin meds, so I started at 20 mg, my psychiatrist said normal dosage is 60-120 my. I was able to tell there was a little improvement and was anxious to get to normal dosage. I went up to 40 mg and did not take it well. I had low blood sugar (52) and my blood pressure was 95/54. I went back down to 30. But my Dr and the pharmacy has assured me that if I build up slowly, my body will adjust. What I can say is I know I’ve improved since I started, but I don’t know if it’s weather related?? Good luck.

Interesting! It sure is hot here and I handle heat and humidity. I’m starting at 30 and titrating up to 60. Thanks for sharing your experience, Trishy

Welp, my insuance company balked and now I am on Citalopram. Frustrating, this "step therapy" thing. Might turn out to be a good thing after all. I'm rolling with it.

mimiB, I don’t want to come across as negative but I would try everything else before taking Cymbalta. Cymbalta made my life hell for about 6 months due to severe withdrawal symptoms. I was only on 60mg for 8 months and I slowly reduced my dose before stopping.

Please just be cautious. I realize that many people take Cymbalta and benefit from it.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m on Citalopram now and in just a week, I’m so much better. Now, if the Enbrel will work, I won’t need Cymbalta.

Cymbalta was a game changer for me. I was on Paxil (notoriously hard to get off) and I switched to Cymbalta with no issues. My brain is the best it has been in decades. I had reservations about going on it, mostly because it is so difficult to quit, but my doc assured me that, if that were necessary, he would walk me through it and make sure it wasn't a nightmare for me. I took his word.

Cymbalta has helped some with pain, sleep, depression and appetite issues. All good. Excellent in fact. Oh, I do have one adverse effect: constipation for which I take a PEG 3350 laxative, with my doc's approval. So not really an issue.