Cymbalta Free!

It took long enough. I have been tapering off of cymbalta for 3 months now, an I finally made it 2 full days without it and without any withdrawal symptoms. I feel so free!

So here are my words of caution. I started Cymbalta to humor the rheumatologist. He just wanted to see if I could get some response from it and use it as a diagnostic for fibro (grrrr). I wish I had read more about it before I started taking it. It didn’t help because I don’t have fibro (Grrrr) and so I asked for samples to taper off. I went from 60 mgx to 30 and 60 alternating. Then down to 30 each day, then down to 30 every other day. After a few weeks of that, I was supposed to stop. But I couldn’t. I could go one day without but could not make it throughout he second day. I got these really weird symptoms that I did not like at all. There’s a name for it, a few actually, but I like SSRI discontinuation syndrome because it’s the longest. Anytime, turned my head, I got these weird eye/ brain flashy things, and had some issues with cognition. It was very uncomfortable, and a little scary. At this point, I had read about discontinuation syndrome and knew here were “normal” but that did not make them suck any less. But today, I finally made it through day 2. The Valium helped tremendously. I asked the doc for something to help me get through day 2 and he gave me a few doses. So. not a single brain zap today that was greater than a 4 on the irritation scale. I’m pretty please with the results.

I’m not telling anyone to avoid drugs that can help. Just research not only the possible side effect from taking the drug, but also how long it ,takes to stop the drug if it doesn’t work for you. If you don’t get the expected results in the appropriate time period, begin discontinuation immediately. The longer you take them, the worse the symptoms can be. Also, if these drugs are wonder drugs for you, make sure that you get your refills BEFORE you run out completely. It will save you some serious discomfort.

I experienced something similar when the PCP office drug there feet refilling my Paxil rx. By the time I survived that, I decided they could keep their damned Paxil.

I still need an antidepressant, but will be looking to some of the older drugs to try in the future.

Congrats! I'm really sensitive to my SSRI, and I start to get small discontinuation symptoms by the afternoon if I miss my morning dose. If I ran out I'd be really screwed.

Someone I used to know went on Effexor because her dr. basically demanded she could only take that one, and not only did it not help, but it took her 18 months to get off because of severe discontinuation symptoms. She got to the point of opening the capsule and counting out the little balls inside.

These meds can be lifesavers, in many cases literally, but are also tricky when they don't work or your need to get off of them.

Congratulations GrumpCat!!! You have persevered, well done!!!

Great Job Grumpy... I had a severe reaction to Cymbalta, almost immediately. I thought I was going through xanax withdrawal but I was so way off.

I have been on xanax for a couple years .5 mg at bed time. Once my doctor, had a medical emergency and the other doctor would not refill my prescription. I just started Cymbalta that same week. I was crazy, crying and anxiety all the time. I was able to get a hold of xanax not from the doctor but thank God I did because I was a hot mess. I work closely with psychiatrist. I spoke with one of them about what I was experiencing. They told me what it was. I never took another Cymbalta pill and I was cured.

It was not fun dealing with that. Glad you are finally free :)

Wow, what a trial that seems to have been for you. I had my tonsils out years ago and got very sick afterwards so went essentially 10 days with no SSRI. So I just figured OK I've been off it for 10 days I'll continue going cold turkey. BIG mistake. I had to go back on it and then taper off over a month. I nearly landed myself in the locked unit at the hospital I felt so out of it. Good for you to be all done, though.

It was really rough. I am still in need of an antidepressant, but I will be doing some thorough research before I do. I am looking toward tricyclics.

I am still having symptoms, but they are much less severe and more of an annoyance than anything. I never want to freak anyone out about meds, but after my experience I hope that others can use it to help them make good, researched decisions.

There are other advantages to the tricyclics. I personally think they should almost be routine. 25mg at bedtime is a good starting point.

Wow. I also had a hell of a time getting of Cymbalta. It didn't help, since I also didn't have fibro (grrrrr) and it didn't even help my depression. So, I got off with the same problems you had. Went back on good old prozac and that's my drug ;)

GrumpyCat said:

It was really rough. I am still in need of an antidepressant, but I will be doing some thorough research before I do. I am looking toward tricyclics.

I am still having symptoms, but they are much less severe and more of an annoyance than anything. I never want to freak anyone out about meds, but after my experience I hope that others can use it to help them make good, researched decisions.

Good for you, Grumpy. These anti-depressants are a double-edged sword, aren’t they? I managed to reduce my Paxil to 10 from 40 when I went onto Wellbutrin, but haven’t succeeded in reducing any further. I guess I should try again. Maybe tomorrow. :wink:
Wellbutrin has been fantastic for me. Have you considered trying it? But my best and fastest antidepressant ever has been Enbrel. I know, sounds weird, but true. I figure it’s the whole inflammation thing.

Press on, Grumpy, you’ll get there!

Ummm. I have tried Wellbutrin, but I get an odd side effect…the trots. Since I have IBS, I think that’s just somewhere I don’t need to go. (Pun totally intended) :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Prozac. I think it might make me too happy though. Kind of FTW happy. I started imipramine and we will see how that goes.

Maemae said:

Wow. I also had a hell of a time getting of Cymbalta. It didn’t help, since I also didn’t have fibro (grrrrr) and it didn’t even help my depression. So, I got off with the same problems you had. Went back on good old prozac and that’s my drug :wink:

GrumpyCat said:

It was really rough. I am still in need of an antidepressant, but I will be doing some thorough research before I do. I am looking toward tricyclics.

I am still having symptoms, but they are much less severe and more of an annoyance than anything. I never want to freak anyone out about meds, but after my experience I hope that others can use it to help them make good, researched decisions.