Cymbalta Warning!

I am still feeling well, but I did some more research on Cymbalta; and I am glad I did. It has terrible withdrawal symptoms. I recently stopped prozac, norco, and tramadol, and I do not want to take anything else that causes withdrawal. I do believe it was working, but it is not worth it. Here is some of the info I found:

Thank you for posting this. I has really made me think hard about possibly not taking this drug . I was going to try it this winter when the pain got bad. I also have a low grade depression that this might possibly help me with but your information and the links have been very helpful. Be well.

WATERFAIRY: I received an email, that you also commented on my profile; but it did not show up. It started like this... As I see some of the pics. of other members here I think I have pain and I definitely hurt bad alot but my skin is not as bad as some of our other members. "There but by the grace of God, go I."

Before I was diagnosed with PsA, I had rather bad psoriasis; mostly on my legs and arms. A dermatologist gave me topical cremes that cleared most of it up. Methetrexate completely got rid of it. I do not have any now. But I do have the pain and stiffness, but it is much better too.

I stopped Cymbalta without any problems, but I had only taken it for three weeks. There are other antidepressants with less side effects and without withdrawal. Currently I take Wellbutrin and it works great.