In a house with 5 children that also always has a few spare children visiting its hard to find quiet or solace and at times when I need to block out the world I seek out an unoccupied corner (hopefully with a sunbeam), use my head phones to filter sounds of the ocean or rain or just regular music I like, to drown out yells and squeals of little kids having way to much fun with dad on duty,and I light some scented candles, grab a hot cup of tea and just relax and recharge my energy, find peace, and quiet my mind, this for me is an important part of having enough energy to get through my entire day and works better than naps which are guaranteed to be interrupted.
Not sure if this one counts as not doctor prescribed because it is but its not a medication, its a hand held TENS unit which helps muscle tension and pain, something a lovely PT I saw while in the hospital years ago told me about my doctor however wrote the script and I can keep it as long as I need it.
A nurse who has done my home care at times recommended heparin cream for my swollen feet and legs and even the rheumaklinik uses it and other types of creams for pain and swelling though they apply them in an interesting fashion worth mentioning as an aide in pain relief, they rub the creams on and then wrap said area in plastic wrap, yepp kinda feels like a being a human sandwhich!, and leave it on 20 to 30 minutes before removing the wrap and if desired washing off the excess creams, if you try this on your feet and intend to walk put socks over it though or you will slip! After getting use to this form of applying the creams I have stuck with it even at home it seems to make them have more of an effect, but also less mess, and I don't frees once the cream starts to get cool (bonus!).
The rheumaklinik here where I live in Germany offers many outpatient programs and treatments that are covered completely for anyone disabled and insured and partially for those with no insurance even though donations because they are simply amazing, heated pool swimming, and water gymnastics, hot towel wraps, yoga, saunas, Light therapy, and even bathing in tubs with those skin eating fish (can't make myself try that one), also warm mud soaks, for the patients whose pain responds well to heat therapy, for patients who prefer cold there is also normal pool swimming and water gymnastics, and even ice wraps and cold soaks for the hands I don't much about the cold treatments though because cold is a pain trigger for me.
Lastly my heating pads and foot warmer, microwaveable and bakeable blankets and rapseed/cheery pit heatable wraps, and foot baths are my heaven to my bones. For my soul its crafting, beading, sewing, reading, and quiet time with my husband and children cuddled up on the couch with the foot rest my husband built for me (another awesome pain reliever) watching movies and our vacation videos.
I recommend to everyone that they find a hobby they love but can do at home and in any weather or condition and do it often, invest time in yourself, be selfish with your energy - never give it to the undeserving, say no often and without guilt, remember that energy saved and invested in yourself today means more energy you will have to share with someone tomorrow.