What has helped you feel better besides the medications your doctor prescribes?

Thanks Michael for a great thread.

I used to love a nice hot bath with lavender bath salts a special herb concoction I make. However I can no longer get in and out of my tub. Wish I had one of those walk in deals.

I use hot packs or heating bags. I read....I read my Bible ---there is much there to be found on suffering. I love a cup of Herbal tea....(again, my special brew, I am a n amateur herbologist and have two cabinets full of herbs.

Because these days my neck is one of the worst areas of pain , so I put on my soft neck supporter and that helps. I have various types of gloves which give compression and that helps

I have a hospital bed with a memory foam topper....It is so comfy...when laying one way hurts I use the electric positional buttons and can feel better for a little while.

But there are times....absolutely nothing works but a pain pill, a heating pad and my electric bed.

I think the mushroom photography is very interesting !

MartaR said:

My dog means so much to me. Fortunately she is low maintenance and I have her groomed with a short cut because I don't have the hand strength to handle a long coat. She is a Yorkie and having her curl up next to me is magic. I have set up several bird feeders that I can watch from my favorite chair. It provides me with some entertainment. I had to quit fighting with the squirrels over their attempts at raiding the bird feeders, so I now have feeders for the squirrels. And I may sound a little weird, but there are some mushrooms that are growing at the base of a dying oak tree and I photograph them every day. They started growing in early July and are still there. I finally identified them. I find mushrooms beautiful and interesting. I have set up a website with my mushroom photos. It takes my mind away from the pain and that is what I need most.

Last time I took a yoga class there was plenty of laughter., but I must say the ladies in the prenatal class were very helpful with some of the poses.

I will tell you all this though. We all appreciate quiet times. setting the mood etc etc. I like to drink, in case no one has figured that out. althought the amount consumed is very low. I enjoy a good glass of wine, classical music and a good book. BUT nothing beats getting stinking drunk on cheap beer surrounded by 30,000 of my closest friends a sat afternoon tailgste party. for a brief few hours I am so busy I can not even rember I have a disease. It took me years to learn the best way to handle this disease is to get busy and stay busy. You can learn to work through a whole lot more than you think.

I never drink alone. It always turns out badly. I dont't spent spend much time alone with disease alobe either.

A massage can be good if you talk to the masseuse VERY carefully before hand. I often use 'markers' such as a clean sock on a 'do not touch' foot.

In a house with 5 children that also always has a few spare children visiting its hard to find quiet or solace and at times when I need to block out the world I seek out an unoccupied corner (hopefully with a sunbeam), use my head phones to filter sounds of the ocean or rain or just regular music I like, to drown out yells and squeals of little kids having way to much fun with dad on duty,and I light some scented candles, grab a hot cup of tea and just relax and recharge my energy, find peace, and quiet my mind, this for me is an important part of having enough energy to get through my entire day and works better than naps which are guaranteed to be interrupted.

Not sure if this one counts as not doctor prescribed because it is but its not a medication, its a hand held TENS unit which helps muscle tension and pain, something a lovely PT I saw while in the hospital years ago told me about my doctor however wrote the script and I can keep it as long as I need it.

A nurse who has done my home care at times recommended heparin cream for my swollen feet and legs and even the rheumaklinik uses it and other types of creams for pain and swelling though they apply them in an interesting fashion worth mentioning as an aide in pain relief, they rub the creams on and then wrap said area in plastic wrap, yepp kinda feels like a being a human sandwhich!, and leave it on 20 to 30 minutes before removing the wrap and if desired washing off the excess creams, if you try this on your feet and intend to walk put socks over it though or you will slip! After getting use to this form of applying the creams I have stuck with it even at home it seems to make them have more of an effect, but also less mess, and I don't frees once the cream starts to get cool (bonus!).

The rheumaklinik here where I live in Germany offers many outpatient programs and treatments that are covered completely for anyone disabled and insured and partially for those with no insurance even though donations because they are simply amazing, heated pool swimming, and water gymnastics, hot towel wraps, yoga, saunas, Light therapy, and even bathing in tubs with those skin eating fish (can't make myself try that one), also warm mud soaks, for the patients whose pain responds well to heat therapy, for patients who prefer cold there is also normal pool swimming and water gymnastics, and even ice wraps and cold soaks for the hands I don't much about the cold treatments though because cold is a pain trigger for me.

Lastly my heating pads and foot warmer, microwaveable and bakeable blankets and rapseed/cheery pit heatable wraps, and foot baths are my heaven to my bones. For my soul its crafting, beading, sewing, reading, and quiet time with my husband and children cuddled up on the couch with the foot rest my husband built for me (another awesome pain reliever) watching movies and our vacation videos.

I recommend to everyone that they find a hobby they love but can do at home and in any weather or condition and do it often, invest time in yourself, be selfish with your energy - never give it to the undeserving, say no often and without guilt, remember that energy saved and invested in yourself today means more energy you will have to share with someone tomorrow.

Meli, how lovely to hear from you after such a long time! Your post is very inspiring and full of wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing!

I agree with you. I have to say that my dog and my mushroom photography are my hobbies. Besides those things I have been working on my family genealogy since 1995 which is when I went on disability. I could not shut down my mind so I began my research in earnest. At that time I had to visit a branch of the National Archives to do research into the census records. Now that information is on the Internet, so I can do it at home. The point is that I have these things to occupy my mind and let me feel useful.

MamaMeli said:

I recommend to everyone that they find a hobby they love but can do at home and in any weather or condition and do it often, invest time in yourself, be selfish with your energy - never give it to the undeserving, say no often and without guilt, remember that energy saved and invested in yourself today means more energy you will have to share with someone tomorrow.

After a long day I like to listen to music. I have been singing since I was in middle school. I was in musicals and chorus. I sing karaoke now and I am in a band but, it's not really a band. Just a few of us that know 6 songs and we never get time to practice LOL.

I also love to color posters with markers, color pencils, and crayons. I was always very artistic and I have done a lot of work with them. I usually blend different colors and make the posters look unusual in some sort of way.

At night I like to take a bath with candles, music, and Dead Sea Salt. I love washing my hair LOL.

If I ever get time, I like to scrapbook with all my photos. I used to take photography in high school and college. I also did graphic design so I am pretty creative!

I also enjoy getting out the heating pad, laying on the couch, and watching movies :-)

Hot baths for sure. Probably #1. We have a sauna and while it does seem to help some, it never is what I gravitate to when I am having a particularly bad back day

Mushroom photography? As in, taking pictures of mushrooms? My husband is a wild mushroom "hunter" and I photograph many of the mushrooms we come across on our hikes because I've always loved how mushrooms look and because he researches edible vs. non-edible, etc.

MartaR said:

I agree with you. I have to say that my dog and my mushroom photography are my hobbies. Besides those things I have been working on my family genealogy since 1995 which is when I went on disability. I could not shut down my mind so I began my research in earnest. At that time I had to visit a branch of the National Archives to do research into the census records. Now that information is on the Internet, so I can do it at home. The point is that I have these things to occupy my mind and let me feel useful.

MamaMeli said:

I recommend to everyone that they find a hobby they love but can do at home and in any weather or condition and do it often, invest time in yourself, be selfish with your energy - never give it to the undeserving, say no often and without guilt, remember that energy saved and invested in yourself today means more energy you will have to share with someone tomorrow.

I like to curl up with a good book, heating pads, and my cat.

Or watch a good movie under a pile of kids in my bed (we have five kids).

Or write.

Or take myself, all by myself, to the movies, picking up comfort food on the way. There is a theater relatively close that costs $5 for a movie, and because I have celiac, I bring my own snacks. Just last week I watched a movie while enjoying some sorbet.

A night out ... or a night in with friends is always nice. I prefer a night in, as I don't / can't drink and most places in the area don't cater to celiacs,. I attend a Women's Circle once a month, and it is often the highlight of my month - the one time I get to fully focus on and discuss one topic(changes monthly) with a group of amazing women.

I don't trust myself to find the edible mushrooms. I am fascinated by the variety of shapes, colors and texture. Some disappear so fast that I need the photograph to prove they existed. One started growing in early July and it is still there. There are more of the same type sprouting around the tree and I take my photographs each day to see the changes in them. I have even documented my own destruction of new growth when I didn't watch where I put my feet. I have neuropathy in my right foot so sometimes it does what it wants not what I want!

This is what gets me outside every day. This mushroom began as a very delicate, flower-like shape and now it is leathery and stiff. It still fascinates me.

nym said:

Mushroom photography? As in, taking pictures of mushrooms? My husband is a wild mushroom "hunter" and I photograph many of the mushrooms we come across on our hikes because I've always loved how mushrooms look and because he researches edible vs. non-edible, etc.

MartaR said:

I agree with you. I have to say that my dog and my mushroom photography are my hobbies. Besides those things I have been working on my family genealogy since 1995 which is when I went on disability. I could not shut down my mind so I began my research in earnest. At that time I had to visit a branch of the National Archives to do research into the census records. Now that information is on the Internet, so I can do it at home. The point is that I have these things to occupy my mind and let me feel useful.

MamaMeli said:

I recommend to everyone that they find a hobby they love but can do at home and in any weather or condition and do it often, invest time in yourself, be selfish with your energy - never give it to the undeserving, say no often and without guilt, remember that energy saved and invested in yourself today means more energy you will have to share with someone tomorrow.

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If you buy this ....... you will like it.....Lauren and I have been using it for years.....once you give it a go, it may replace your heating pads.I also watch movies on Netflix.....the last best one was French subtitled and called The Intouchables. It was a GREAT flick. See ya!

I just read in my Abnormal Psychology book for school that being anti-social can lead to getting sick 4 times as much as someone that is social... I do go out a few times a month but, I don't really call anyone.. I am more of a homebody. Maybe I need to be more social!

Hot shower, hot bath, hot wheat pack.... hmm, seeing a pattern here!

But the really gentle sort of gardening (the part where you just plant seeds in a raised waist-height garden), out in the sunshine, is what really helps me :)

Singing in a community choir, cuddling my dogs , baking bread, cooking good food, sunbathing and reading do it for me.

Please I'm not trying to be funny . The best thing is sex for pain hands down . I haven't looked it up but Im sure Im right the Serotonin flowing so many things and feeling relaxed after . Unless she falls asleep on my arm and looks like an Angel so I dont want to wake her but my arm is starting to hurt . I wonder if there could be an invention but I have racked my mind ,well it is worth a little arm pain

I have been swimming and doing pool exercises. I am so excited because we got a pool heater so I can swim almost year round! The waster takes the weight off my feet and I can water walk and it really helped me get the muscles in my legs back after surgery.

I am also painting again, it is a huge emotional release.

A lot of people have been talking about using heat. I prefer using ice packs. I feel like it calms down the inflammation.

Great discussion.

Going to try Dream Cream

Well, interesting enough.. I disagree. You have to move your hips a lot, get on your knees (sometimes) and even if you don't you are still using A LOT of muscles, joints, and tendons.

rsdno said:

Please I'm not trying to be funny . The best thing is sex for pain hands down . I haven't looked it up but Im sure Im right the Serotonin flowing so many things and feeling relaxed after . Unless she falls asleep on my arm and looks like an Angel so I dont want to wake her but my arm is starting to hurt . I wonder if there could be an invention but I have racked my mind ,well it is worth a little arm pain

Last year I did aquatic aerobics after my car accident and it really works!! This year I went swimming once and woke up the next day with severe inflammation in my legs. :(

swolf5 said:

I have been swimming and doing pool exercises. I am so excited because we got a pool heater so I can swim almost year round! The waster takes the weight off my feet and I can water walk and it really helped me get the muscles in my legs back after surgery.

I am also painting again, it is a huge emotional release.

A lot of people have been talking about using heat. I prefer using ice packs. I feel like it calms down the inflammation.

Great discussion.

Going to try Dream Cream