Update on antibiotic treatment

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't been on much but it is because I am doing really well and not on the forum very often these days.

In my last blog post I mentioned I was due to have a Biopsy to test for Celiac. This came up negative which is good I guess in that I can eliminate gluten finally as a trigger for me.

I have had more recent bloods and all are completely normal with CRP and ESR below any detectable level.

I have been getting into bike riding over the last 4 months and a few weeks ago completed a 90km bike ride to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis patient care.

The cycling is really agreeing with me. My legs have built up the muscle and strength that was lost in the 12 months prior, particularly when I had a massively swollen knee.

My flexibility continues to improve, I had a professional set up done on the bike with a sports physiologist as I was worried about causing further issues with knees or hips and he commented that my flexibility was the best he had seen in some time.

12 months ago my flexibility was awful but now the inflammation has reduced my muscles feel looser and stretching actually feels good now!

I also have great news in that my wife is 11 weeks pregnant!

This is another thing I would not have achieved with the standard MTX treatment.

I am still taking slow release Naproxen on average 3 days a week, but I have periods where I go 4-5 days without it with absolutely no pain.

The only area where I still get the pain is my foot. My hips, jaw, knee and shoulders are totally pain free now without NSAIDs.

I feel the best I have been for at least 4 years and feel like I am steadily improving.

I know many of you will dismiss the antibiotic treatment as quackery, but I am just so happy with where my life is heading now on this treatment and the only reason I am putting my blog up is out of a responsibility to share information on this safe and effective treatment.

I apologise I probably miss most of your posts and I wish I could support you more but if you have any questions about the antibiotic treatment I am more than happy to answer as best I can.


Dave it is GREAT to see someone doing well. I don't think it matters much how you got to wellness--it is a positive sign that you're feeling so great. If arresting this disease were easy there wouldn't be a bundle of different drugs or so many different stories and experiences to share. Some people say chiropractic and acupuncture are "quackery" but I say if it works for you, do it. I, for one, intend to investigate the antibiotic treatment protocol with my rheumatologist. Oh, and congratulations on the upcoming addition to your family. Cheers!

Does the antibiotic treatment work for people who are newly diagnosed and have a mild form of PsA? Can it work for people who have a severe case of PsA and all other treatments have failed?

Hi janeatiu,

The antibiotic treatment protocol will most likely be dismissed by your rheumy. Unfortunately it is very political but they will most likely follow their standard treatment guidelines or risk law suits, pressure from insurance companies etc. If you do not get the help you are after than I would seek information about doctors from the road back foundation website.

To Rebel Mom, the philosophy of the antibiotic treatment protocol as described by Dr Brown includes that the earlier the diagnosis and treatment the better which is pretty logical of course. I would consider myself someone newly diagnosed with a mild form of PsA, but it sure was increasing until I started the treatment.

Most of the case examples in the book were extremely advanced cases of a multitude of arthritis types, often bedridden people or people with multiple complications and they were treated successfully. You can read about case histories yourself on the road back foundation website, you can do text searches for PsA etc.

My disclaimer, I do not profess to be an expert, I do not have all the answers, but if it is something you are interested in at least learning about and deciding for yourself I have mentioned the sources in which you can find that information.

many congratulations - so pleased for you. keep up the good work and enjoy pain free guilt free. Mel