Yesterday was a pretty good day. I slept too late but it was sunny alot and that made me feel pretty good. But today did some chores that i could and it was grey and cloudy and I could feel it coming sure enough now it is raining constant the humidity is high and the old kitty and I feel our arthritis giving us pain and inflammation. This is supposed to be a good storm with mudslides and avalanches and wind. I am hunkered down in my blanket with the fireplace going to dry the air up a little. At least I am feeling good in my throat and nose with this cold that is almost gone. Sometime later this week I will start up on my Humira again. But even though I have been off of it for a few weeks I am glad to say my fingers still are clear and I am happy about that. My feet are so so. They are a bit dry and itchy but they are not spliting open yet with deep sores. I use the shea butter and it works real good. I have not had to use the Vanos cream for a couple of weeks.
I am going to stay warm and read a book and write some letters. :) And be the kitties personal heating pad.