Hawaii Kauai

Its 79 degrees on Kauai right now. sigh.....I will be there again someday. I hope its with Rick.

I have much inflammation right now in my stomach. Who knows why this time. At least Im back on my Humira injection schedual again. This time and the last time I have had no rash at all at the injection site. hooray.

Its been a weird couple of weeks. Good stuff happens and then icky stuff happens like the raccoon incident. Now I am mad at the Animal Control people or the city , whichever is responsible. Its a trickle down effect in politics.

I got to visit my friend this week and we worked on jewelery pieces together and we (my daughter came with me and visited with my friends son because they have been friends since middle school) stayed for dinner and it was a wonderful visit. We were trying to get together all summer long and wow....it was difficult. I was on a trip then she was on a trip then she was sick or really tired and I was tired or sick or had a flare and she had a flare (yes we have the arthur club in common) she had dr. appointments etc. and then finally we got together. It was really good to see her. She helped me finish a chunky turquoise and copper bead necklace I will be posting pics of on my deviant art site. I am happy with the way it turned out and I will be making matching earrings to go with it.

Yesterday my daughter and I went to the beach and did nothing but lay on the beach on the sand and watch the clouds and seagulls and crows. Sucking up those last rays of summer sun. Today the weather was warm and beautiful but I know the rain is coming and going to set in and the dampness and I start dreaming about moving to Arizona or better yet just go to Hawaii and just live out my days there. Just swim in warm waters everyday and paint and draw and have fresh coconut milk. I know every year and I have known for a long time, even when I was young that living here was not good for my health and I was right but its worse now that I have the PsA and fibro....along with the SAD. grrr.

but here we are. I will defiantly demand that my drs. help me out with the pain management if it gets as bad as it did last winter. I am grateful to dandlyons for sharing info with us and his point of view that we deserve to get the help we need from our drs. because we have contracted them to care for our health. I am bad at asking for help from them because now after 12 years of runaround and frustration and drugs ruining my body as much as the diseases, I just dont like to go anymore. I just get sick of so many appointments etc.

I will be getting back to my swim therapy which is my happy place. But it doesn't help much with the weight loss in my opinion. I have never been over weight my whole life and now in these past 5 or 6 years???!!? ack....I can hardly look at myself in the mirror or in a picture or when I walk by a window reflection!! I think "who is that person??" sigh..... But I move on and I am still that svelte active, energetic girl I used to be but in my mind.

It makes me sad when I run into someone I haven't seen in awhile or someone comes to visit us that I haven't seen in years. That short second... that look in their eyes when they see me. Oh well. Whine whine.

If I could just keep myself from curling up in a ball and hibernating this winter. I am going to think about the things I always look forward too. Family birthdays are coming up. Hallows Eve is coming with a party to go to at my friends house. Thanksgiving. The Hobbit movie is a family affair that will be fun to go to. Christmas here with my mom and step dad visiting and a Christmas dinner with deserts and warm toddy's by the fireplace watching a huge log that Rick picked out just for the day to burn

. And trying to keep this old geriatric kitty warm as he jumps from one lap to the other to suck body heat from us all.

Maybe I will be visiting my girl friend and her husband who lives on Lake Havasu. She has invited me to come down for a visit. January or February is a good time. I wonder what the weather is like down there at that time of year??

Ah yes, hibernation. The bears have the right idea: sleep all winter and wake up slim in the spring, with a fur coat. Lol. Hope you’re feeling a bit cheerier today, waterfairy!

Okay, I have to ask. . . .The raccoon incident?

Oh yes Seenie those bears are smarter than we think. If I was a bear as soon as weather permits, I would change out of that fur coat and put on my bikini!

Stoney the raccoon incident was sad. I was driving my daughter to her school and we saw a raccoon crawling and clawing its way across the street to the side of the road and it went under a parked car. Its whole back side was paralyzed its hind legs limp and dragging. It was obviously hit buy a car very recently. It was a sad and horrible thing to see. I kept driving to get to the school on time and my daughter called animal control to report it. They said they did not have the man power to come and get it and they would not come to get it anyway unless we had it contained ourselves. This place was just a few blocks from a high school that was about to let out and I also thought that someone might get bit if they saw it and got to close. I figure it s AC job to come and get a wounded potentially dangerous animal but if they cant then that's just the way it is. On the way back we looked for it and drove down an alley that was bushy and overgrown but we did not see it anywhere. I don't know what I thought i was gonna do if I saw it. I certainly wasn't going to get near it. Thats the raccoon incident. My daughter was really upset.

I can understand completely. We had a raccoon incident yesterday driving out to run errands. This one appeared sick, and someone stopped his car ahead of us to escort it off the road. It not only wouldn't scare, it was following this man. Then every time he tried to walk away from it, it followed and went under his truck. Finally it got off the road, but what a scene.

Animal control in my town, we found out they can capture, but they can't use tranquilizer darts, and don't carry a revolver. Seriously? Sometimes an animal just needs to be put out of its misery.

I agree Stoney with your final statement. Racoons carry many diseases unfortunately rabies being the disease they seem to get a lot or carry and can pass on to other animals with bites in fights. It sounds like that racoon's was confused either from an illness it had or it may have had head trauma from an accident Thats great that your animal control will actually capture the animals. They are brave. What a hard job at times that must be. Maybe our animal control people don't capture because they don't carry guns or tranquilizers either. Its against the law but some people feed raccoons and then they get mad when they fight with their cats and dogs, get in their garbage and use their pools and roofs as raccoon potties. We have lots of wooded area and streams of water around here. They can feed themselves just fine. But cars.....are bad karma for animals and humans.I have been lucky and careful so far. But accidents just happen.

Sorry you feel so down…its hard to keep looking forward the the bright spots when we just want to shut down and cocoon ourselves.
I feel sick and guilty all day if I see an animal in need, but sometimes its not easy to get them help or help them yourself…I cried for an hour once when a female blackbird flew into my windscreen…all I could think is “what about her babies!” as it was early summer. Horrible!