Sunday 8/11

My feet are sore today. Humidity I believe. I still love the mattress. I am waking up after 7 hours of sleep and feel rested and my pain level is not as bad. Before I would wake and just want to keep going back to sleep. I was so tired. I would get up and my feet back and hips hurt so much. Now they still hurt but not as much. The real test will be this fall and winter when the rains come and it gets cold again.

The thunder and lightning storm the other night was great but I did not get to sleep til 3am. very bad. We don't get that kind of excitement around her that often though. I couldn't resist watching all the lightning flying around the sky for it seemed like forever. You could feel the electricity in the air.

This morning Im proud I got started on my cave art sketches to finish the project I would love to get done. (and I will probably go nuts and start 3 more from ideas I am getting) This is what feeling better does for me. I want to get back to my art again.

Art is good.

So if feeling better :)

I hope it continues for you.

TY Katie Lady. I appreciate you. :)