I've had psoriatic toenails for a while now along with dactylitis that cleared up once I started Cimzia. My big toe on the right foot is the worst, it quit growing for months and turned yellow, started lifting, got Beau's lines as it finally started to grow. I've been very careful with it but it keeps on lifting and now I think it's barely attached, again, not too surprising from what I've read on posts and online. The weather got nice in Texas and two weeks ago I painted my toenails to wear sandals. Tonight I took the polish off and the toenail is bluish green underneath. I have to say that PsA has insulted me in many ways but this is traumatizing me, LOC (laugh or cry.) I think it has stopped growing again since I went from the higher loading doses of Cimzia to the baseline therapy. I see a podiatrist next week and my rheumy the 17th. Ugh.
It might be a bruise under the nail. If it is painful already, you could have dinged it on something and not really noticed it.
It may be as simple as a bruise that you didn’t notice previously due to the nail polish. But it sounds as though your follow up is thorough.
Don't forget that nail polish can also 'stain' nails and I would think this is more likely to happen on our weakened psoriatic nails. I find the darker polishes, especially the dark reds, mahoganies and blue-purples the worst and have learnt my lesson from this and now always use a basecoat first which helps alot.
Your podiatrist will be able to put your mind at rest as to what it is. Best of luck.
I was researching more about psoriatic nails and found a link on the papaa.org website and it said that once the nail lifts it can make a nice environment for pseudomonas bacteria to grow and they leave green pigments behind. Apparently it is also common in nail salons when people don't keep their acrylic nails dry and the fake nails lift a bit. It's called a case of the "greenies". I have attached a picture of mine. I think the podiatrist will have to remove my nail because its just barely hanging on anyway. The pseudomonas gives off a sweet odor they say, I think my dog noticed this because he kept trying to lick that toe. Gross.
407-100_10921.JPG (1.44 MB)