My rheumy's working diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis, but I have yet to get to a dermatologist to have the psoriasis confirmed. There is "stuff" under some of my toenails (which the family doc thought was fungus, despite anti-fungals being of no help), and some of my fingernails have white areas underneath them. There is very slight pitting and ridging on some nails. My nails do look like mild versions of the pics I've seen of psoriatic nails. So I'm agreeing with the rheumy's assumption.
Anyway, I got a pedicure last week. Feet actually look good ... and then yesterday morning, I got up and one of my toenails was GONE! Like, vanished. All that's left is a rough and discoloured area where the nail used to be.
I have psoriasis under my big toe nail. It was diagnosed when my PsA was diagnosed but I had lost my big toe nail years ago from the crusty stuff underneath. At that time I thought it was toe fungus but none of the fungus remover things worked on it and now I know why. The skin under the toenail probably softened up when it was soaking during the pedicure.
Hi Seenie, Along with the ridging and pitting and other symptoms of nail ps, it is fairly common to lose a nail. I have had nail problems since high school,( I just turned 60 ), and I have had sore and stiff joints for the past 15 to 20 years. I was just diagnosed with PsA in Sept. 2011 . I have nail issues in my hands and feet and my arthritis started in my hands, then the knees, then in my feet. And over the past five years it has graced me in the rest of my joints. According to some of my research people with nail Ps are likely to develope PsA in the adjacent joints. I have never lost any nails, but some of them looked like they could have.
WOW I wasnt sure that my toe problems were related! My pinkie toe wont grow! it is almost not even there? Well my friend does nails and she is going to give me fake toe nails for my weeding. They can even do them if you have no toe nail. they look really nice and you cannot tell they are not real! Too bad that happened! Toe drama is never welcome in my opinion!
Although it sounds like you have Psoriasis in your nails , I dont know if you know but you dont need to have psoriasis to be diagnosed with PsA. I am one of the 10-20% that doesnt have psoriasis yet!! And Im glad for that after everything I have read. I hope your Rheumy has commenced you on meds regardless of not seeing a dermatologist yet!!
I wish my toenail would fall off! right now its all gross and half there, I have to trim it every few days because if I dont it starts hurting but what you are describing is very normal both of my big toes are the same way and one of my small toes has it as well, but for sure your lucky that it went ahead and fell off cause it can really hurt alot if it slowly falls off little by only suggestion is when you do see your dermatologist or your rhumey can give you this too ask for a topical cream and apply the cream as often as needed and after baths it helps!
Although it sounds like you have Psoriasis in your nails , I dont know if you know but you dont need to have psoriasis to be diagnosed with PsA. I am one of the 10-20% that doesnt have psoriasis yet!! And Im glad for that after everything I have read. I hope your Rheumy has commenced you on meds regardless of not seeing a dermatologist yet!!
I don’t have psorasis and was dx by two rhuemy’s (wanted a second opinion) with psa about 15 years ago! I do have very minor nail ridges though and a strong family history of psoriasis. Although they are related it really is two seperate
diseases. Good luck at the derm appointment! =)
Yes, I think the dermy will decide it's psoriasis. Nails falling off isn't normal, and it is par for the psoriasis course. Speaking of family history, Mother died last year, and I now think she probably had psoriasis: she had the most horrible scaly "stuff" in her ears, which her family doc said was dermatitis caused by her hearing aids. Nope, what she had looked just like the picture below, only worse.
Stupid family doctor ... he was such a loser! When we told him there was something wrong in her head, he just put her on Aricept. That was no help. When she started going blind, we discovered she had a brain tumor 8 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick (yes, you read that right, the size of a quarter pounder!). But I digress... that's what happens when I think about that doctor of hers!
So yes, I'm pretty sure I have a family history of psoriasis too. So thanks, folks. I am amassing info for the dermy. Not that it makes that much difference: the treatment is the same, whatever type of inflammatory arthritis this is.