Sorry, I've been underwater

Haven’t been around here as much as usual. Sorry folks, I’ve been diving in the Mediterranean. LOL, not really: my attention was hijacked by a great read – “Expedition Indigo” by Stacy Allen.
Finished now. Back to work. LOL

Hmmm… I have a two hour wait in a car to pick my child up from school and I’m almost through my current reading list. I’ve been looking for some interesting suggestions to add. :slight_smile: I love escaping into a good book. Thank you!

Shame on you! We will have none of that!

Being hijacked by a great read is the BEST!!!

I've not been able to settle to read for a few weeks now (and I suspect that is contributing to my sleep problems as I usually have a few minutes with my Kindle to help me switch off from the day before 'lights out') so on the strength of your recommendation, Seenie, I've just downloaded this today. Looks right up my street!