Red chest and red dots on face and legs

Hi all, I am newly diagnosed and have a couple of questions… My chest has become really red, like a sunburn and hot to the touch. also, if I take a hot bath I get red dots all over my legs. These dots have shown up on my face too, If i throw up. The later seems to go away but it looks like busted vessels or something when it happens. Is this something that any of you deal with, and if so what do you do to treat either area?

Welcome to the group! It sounds as though you may be having a reaction to something. I would contact your gp regarding this issue, ASAP. I'm also wondering why you're throwing up.

Thanks, I was thinking the chest being red might be a reaction too. The throwing up started in October when I got the flu and I have had the flu twice this year and never get it… I even take a flu shot every year! I also have had a sinus infection over the past couple of months and since then my sinuses are all messed up. So the throwing up is mucous related and not PsA related. The red dots or busted blood vessels, well who knows! I just feel like I’m falling apart!!!