Prof Ayers anti inflammatory diet - I keep posting about it - his blog - Cooling Inflammation

here is a cut and pate of his anti inflammatory diet that works for mex

plus I am absolutely grain free

Monday, September 1, 2008

Anti-inflammatory Diet

Components of an Anti-inflammatory Diet (focus on meats, fish, eggs and leafy vegetables)
  • Low starch and other simple sugars -- insulin and high blood glucose are inflammatory; so use complex polysaccharides (not starch); starch only in small portions (1/2 banana or one side of a hamburger bun) and preferably in unprocessed, less available forms, e.g. coarse ground or fat coated -- bread with butter; less than 30 gm in any meal, less is healthier, grains are frequently a problem -- gluten intolerance
  • No high fructose corn syrup -- high free fructose (in contrast to sucrose) is inflammatory and contributes to crosslinking of collagen fibers, which means prematurely aged skin; sucrose is much better than alternative sweeteners
  • High ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats -- most vegetable oils (olive oil is the exception) are very high in omega-6 fats and are inflammatory and should be avoided; omega-3 fats from fish oil cannot have their full anti-inflammatory impact in the presence of vegetable oils; omega-3 supplements are needed to overcome existing inflammation -- take with saturated fats
  • No trans fats -- all are inflammatory
  • Probiotics and prebiotics -- the bacteria in your gut are vitally important in reducing inflammation; most of the bacteria that initially colonize breastfed babies and are also present in fermented products seem to be helpful; formula quickly converts baby gut bacteria to inflammatory species and should be avoided completely for as long as possible to permit the baby’s immune system to mature (at least 6 months exclusive breastfeeding.)
  • Saturated fats are healthy and reduce the peroxidation of omega-3 fatty acids at sites of local inflammation, e.g. fatty liver. Saturated fats should be the major source of dietary calories.
  • Vegetable antioxidants -- vegetables and fruits, along with coffee and chocolate supply very useful, anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants
  • Sensible daily supplements: 1,000 mg vitamin C; 2,000-5,000 i.u vitamin D3 (to produce serum levels of 60ng/ml); 750 mg glucosamine
  • Associated anti-inflammatory lifestyle components:
exercise (cardiovascular and muscle building),
minimizing body fat,
dental hygiene vagal nerve stimulation

Yes Im sure we do . The diet thing is very genome related imho - thus we have inherited carbohydrate tolerance, and need for seasonality related to our individual tolerances etc- why we can become intolerant to things we could once eat. We are not designed to eat the same stuff all year if we are designed for high latitude temperate conditions. im sure if we have a genome from the tropics its a different story and as for more complex genomes, they will be a curious mixture of tolerances to carbs, requirement for Omega 3 etc. I don't think its just about what we do eat as much as what we are not eating - so Omega 3 requirements cannot be fulfilled if you have already over done Omega 6 type fats. the problem with the vegan option from my pow is minerals from the bone broth stuff I consume daily as a glucosamine/collagen /mineral rich low carb food is it is hard to get the same density of nutrients without od ing on carbs. However , I understand the body is infinitel capable of creating its own vitamins apart from B12, vit d and c and if you have a good gut flora then it can work xxx

hi Memzie

I just got better and better, totally grain free, low starch ie less than 100g of carb in total- mostly from green veg, high fat ie unpastuerised butter, cream in coffee, lots of cocnut oil, lots of fish and seafood with buttery sauces, very low omega 6, grass fed meat, high quality eggs - my own chickens fed on flax etc absolutely no processed food , no hidden carbs ie no fruit apart from few berries,or small amount of seasonal food for my latitude, odd glass red wine. I am off meds totally, have seen my rheumatologist who couldnt offer any advce. He told me he is only qualified to administer and manage giving biologicals- which I knew. My GP is happy as i have lost excess weight and am just not ill at all. All those things you mentioned- no morning stiffness, positive in mind and body, sleep well exercise etc. just to refine it , read about leptin and timing of eating ir-e masteribg leptin book helps to reset body cycles of hormones , and read Dr Kruse on all his stuff about leptin reset and his epigenetic diet. After 20 years of being very ill i am now free . I know its hard because some medics cannot see out of their box, but even the marketing info at Abbott Laboratiries who make Humira acknowledge there are lifestyle factors involved in auto immune illnesses. The drugs do not cure yoUr body. This gives you power back, and only those who have already got heart disease from their sdaly wrong diets should be careful. My mum who is 68 has cured her srojens doing this. If you look at my pics you can see how good she looks. I just get better and better. Dont be scared to do this xxx