Anti inflammatory diet principles-

This is borrowed, but tried and tested - borrowed from Cooling Inflammation, by Prof Ayers and this has totally worked for me.

Forget the mainstream anti inflammatory diet books that avoid red meat, dairy and use a lot of veggies , that take wheat out but still use rice, quinoa et al and don't see the problems with vegetable oils, fruit etc. I bought about 4 of these books at the beginning of my quest. They are gone to the tip where they can't do any more misinformation.

instead, if you are serious about wellness and will do anything sane to regain your health then challenge your assumptions. I believe I have done this because I am openminded, persistent, do not believe anything unless it has totally worked and have seriously challenged my so called health care providers. I am appalled by the mind sets I see on all the current sites which inform about arthritis. They are totally hopeless - by which I mean, offer a vision of drugs and surgery as your best options wth the odd glimmer of biochemistry. Not one story of the lucky individuals who believe health is not the province of the lucky few with the right genes.

My take on health is that you can do something positive if you are allowed access to the wisdom. By which I mean a perpective that says, funny isnt it , that people didn't seem to suffer from auto immune diseases as much as they do now. so why ??? so what Ayers says, and whose advice I have tried is and I quote

Components of anti inflammatory diet- focus on meat, fish, eggs and leafy vegetables

Low starch and other simple sugars- insulin and high blood glucose are pro inflammatory so use complex polysaccharides(not starch) Starch only in small portions eg only half a banana or a half a hamburger bun and preferably in unprocessed less available forms eg coarse ground or fat coated - bread with butter, less than 30 g in any meal, less is healthier, grains are frequently a problem eg gluten intolerance ( IHAVE NO GRAINS AT ALL IN MY DIET NOR LEGUMES)

No High Fructose Corn Syrup- high free fructose (in contrast to sucrose is inflammatory and contributes to the cross-linking of collagen fibres which means prematurely aged skin: sucrose is much better than alternative sweeteners.

High ratio of Omega 3 to Omega6 fats most vegetable oils (olive oilis the exception) are very high in omega 6 fats and are inflammatory and should be avoided: omega 3 fats from fish oils cannot have their full anti-inflammatory impact in the presence of vegetable oils: omega 3 supplements are needed to overcome existing inflammation - take with saturated fats

No transfats - all are inflammatory

Probiotics and prebiotics - the bacteria in your gut are vitally important in reducing inflammation; most of the bacteria that initially colonise breast fed babies and are also present in fermented products seem to be helpful; formula quickly converts baby gut bacteria to inflammatory species and should be avoided completely for as long as possible to permit the baby's immune system to mature ( at least 6 months exclusive breast feeding)

Saturated fats are healthy and reduce the peroxidation of Omega 3 fatty acids at sites of local inflammation eg fatty liver. saturated fats should be the major source of dietary calories.

Vegetable antioxidants vegetables and fruits, along with coffee and chocolate (70% cocoa) supply very useful anti inflammatory anti oxidants

Sensible daily supplements 1000mg vit C 2,000 - 5,000- iu Vit D3( to produce serum levels 60ng/ml 750mg glucosamine

associated anti inflammatory lifestyle components

exercise (cardiovascular and muscle building)

minimising body fat

dental hygiene

vagal nerve stimulation

So end of quote/ my other main source has been the Art and Science of low carbohydrate living by Phinney and Volek

But the main thing which is controversial, which your doctors will be very unlikely to advocate is the line -

Saturated fats - these should be the main source of dietary calories, but this is key , and I believe the source of my new found health for reasons I have mentioned elsewhere

Hope this gives you food for thought and remember- not only has my psoriasis gone, so has fatigue, brain fog, negativity, powerlessness, bleeding gums, weak nails, bloating, indigestion, constipation, all swollen and hot joints totally free of heat, pain, stiffness- completely -After 20 years. Im not a new sufferer- Ive been through all the newbie dilemmas- had all the nausea of methotrexate, the hope and gradually fading of biologics working, the massive problems caused by years on large doses of prednisolone, buckets of indomethacin and naproxen, the hospital stays with temperatures of 110 degrees , the ill health retirement, the despair, the fight to stay fit whilst inflamed, tired and depressed and trying harder and harder. But this has worked for me- so i say explore it all for yourselves and don't give up xxxxxxx