A year on and better than ever

hello and just hoping to keep calling in to say hi and don't give up on getting well. I have had a year with no drugs and have stuck to my low carb high fat diet - I have never been so well in my adult life . Please don't give up xxx

After approx 8 weeks on the "Paleo" diet I am definitely heading in the right direction too. No NSAID for 12 days currently and feeling like I will not need them anymore! I have been reading a few different paleo books and I find it pretty hard to argue against this type of diet for long term general health as well as addressing "auto-immune" issues.

Good to hear from others who are having success without drugs.

I am still on antibiotics and will review that periodically.

Dear Dave

Research ketogenic and high fat low carb stuff- sort out the omega 3 / 6 stuff and avoid any vegetable oils. Starches are your enemy - as well as any drugs that affect the gut. I am a new person - strong and fit and you will be too. Cooling Inflammation blog, Hyperlipid, the Chris Masterjohn work, Jack Kruse stuff anything about leptin, vit d too and all the work by low carb pioneers- Volek and Phinney, and other specialists who recognise the gut biosis issues caused by starches will help- as will the writers who analyse the political frame work of the anti fat cholesterol bias in current medical thinking. Im thinking you are on a good journey - tell everyone they can control their symptoms !!! Hard to believe when you are ill I know. The link I posted about the chap who sorted his Anklosing Spondylitis has some of the route I took tooLots of love for your journey xxx

Thanks for the links Mel, lots of good reading to be done there! The cooling inflammation blog looks amazing. It can be a downward spiral when you are acutely ill, where you can lose the energy and drive to explore new options and challenge the norm, Ie normal rheumatological palliative care approach. I hope that there will be more adequate research and studies to support the diet/gut/infectious link to arthritis, but I have become cynical about the big pharma and lack of funding for such a cause, so I don't see it becoming mainstream any time soon.

Agree with everything you are saying, I am in the early days but I know already it is the right direction for me to be on this diet.