Have you tried eating foods that have anti inflammatory properties. Wholegrains, Fish nuts & seeds, Oily fish, Leafy greens, crushed Flax seeds . Spices such as Ginger, Oregano, rosemary, cayenne, nutmeg and cloves.
Avoiding Foods that cause inflammation are saturated fats, refined sugars, red meat, dark poultry, butter, milk, processed meat, high fat cheeses.
If you increase the foods which have anti-oxidants this can help strengthen your immune system and repairs cells.
Foods rich in Vitamin C help boost your immune system.
Tomatoes and Guava's contain Lypocene which makes the anti-oxidants work more efficiently. Gogi berries are high in anti oxidants and can increase vitality and help restore health. Sometimes these foods make the joints ache a little more for a couple of hours and that is because the nutrients are working at fighting the cells that are doing harm and it is like a little war going on with the good guys knocking out the bad guys.
Anti oxidants destroy the free radicals responsible for weekening your defense cells.
Now in saying this, it is not that easy to shop and prepare food when you are in so much pain. It certainly can't do any harm and can only improve your general health. It takes time to get over a flare of inflammation and when it is that bad it seems like nothing works immediately because it takes time. Plenty of rest and try and find something to do that distracts you from focussing on the pain which I know is not easy but it can help.
I am going through a flare right now and this is my third day on Predisone and I feel worse after have to go out to the dentist yesterday which was such a big effort for me.
I have not been eating as well as I should and then the viscious cycle starts where I get worse. Then it is a big effort to go grocery shopping and getting myself a decent meal becomes a mamoth task. I cant be sure if this has contributed to my current flare. On so many other occassions I have noticed that when I feeling like my joints were aching more I would force myself to make a big effort in making juices and eat vegetables eating at least 5 vegetables and 3 fruits a day and I would improve. This time I have had added stress. The combination of stress and not eating as healthy as should may be the reason but I have no way of verifying this. It might just be the nature of this disease that comes and goes.
It is also important to eliminate stress, get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, gentle exercise and relaxation or meditation can help.
I hope this is something for you to think about. It can't harm you, it can only help your health in general and there may be an added benefit to your inflammation.
I wish you well