My psoriasis is was about 90% coverage and spreading. I was told to head to the ocean and because the water would clear up the P. so needless to say I drove 26 hours to Florida to swim and I have only gone in twice and have about 70% coverage now.
I wish I new sooner.
I just put an offer on a condo. So I can have my own place when I come back.
My Psoriasis was so bad the Drs washed there hands of me immune sapressers did nothing Humaira ect. UV treatments did not help I’ve tried every natural thing out there. And still nothing.
I definitely saw a difference with Florida waters. Was there for 10 days, psoriasis wasn’t terribly bad but when I came home, boy did it spread even still not as severe as others. None of the creams work for me, either. Im on humira now and weaning off steroids. Im feeling it too. Hope you can find some thing that works
I find benefit from chlorinated pools. It has always improved my P, since I was a kid and swam in the neighbor's pool.
I joined a health club and started doing water exercise classes 3 months ago, and one prominant plaque on my hand that hasn't improved in 10 yrs has 50% turned to soft skin.
I thought I'd post for those with no access to the ocean, or only cold ocean (like me!)
I swim in a chlorinated pool and this helps lift off my Plaque Psoriasis. The pool does not do much in the way of reducing the area that I have PP. It just feels better with the flakes off. I swim in a swimwear that has a high back to cover my PP and board shorts to cover my thighs. Perhaps soaking in a Sea Salt bath might also help.
Rico- I'm glad that you have found what is working well for you and it is perfectly reasonable to make suggestions that have worked for you. It is NOT reasonable to tell people what they MUST do, especially when there is nothing supporting your statements. I'll also point out that not everyone here is a Christian.
Rico said:
Sheena, have you tried any of the Traditional Chines Medicine/acupuncture treatments? Also, have you done any dietary changes? You MUST eliminate all sugar, red meat, wheat, and more from your diet. Turmeric seems to be good, papaya, pinapple. Avoid ALL HOT foods. No hot pepper for you ever again. I don't know if this would work, but it's worth a try. Also NO alcohol (wine, booze, beer) since they negatively impact the liver and supposedly psoriasis is directly linked to the liver's inability to get rid of toxins that cause the skin condition. Let me know how it goes and good for you about moving to an area where you can swim daily. I'd do the same thing. May the Lord Jesus touch your body and totally heal you of this frustrating and challenging condition.
I’m not trying to be argumentative, but I do want to show some support for what Rico is saying.
There is tons of personal accounts on how diet has improved psoriasis. Are these “scientific studies”? Maybe, maybe not. But there is an overwhelming number of real people with real results. The Internet is absolutely littered with these accounts. I believe it’s worked for Rico. I believe Rico is saying that diet is a “must try” for those that haven’t tried.
Religion. Please don’t be insulted by someone’s beliefs. Rico was not trying to convert anyone. He is simply calling on his higher power to bless and heal others. Wether it’s Allah, God, Etc., what harm is there in that? Let people be themselves. For many, petitioning their Higher Power for healing another’s terrible disease is the ultimate display of giving and concern for others.
Rico, may God heal all of us!
Stoney said:
Rico- I'm glad that you have found what is working well for you and it is perfectly reasonable to make suggestions that have worked for you. It is NOT reasonable to tell people what they MUST do, especially when there is nothing supporting your statements. I'll also point out that not everyone here is a Christian.
Rico said:
Sheena, have you tried any of the Traditional Chines Medicine/acupuncture treatments? Also, have you done any dietary changes? You MUST eliminate all sugar, red meat, wheat, and more from your diet. Turmeric seems to be good, papaya, pinapple. Avoid ALL HOT foods. No hot pepper for you ever again. I don't know if this would work, but it's worth a try. Also NO alcohol (wine, booze, beer) since they negatively impact the liver and supposedly psoriasis is directly linked to the liver's inability to get rid of toxins that cause the skin condition. Let me know how it goes and good for you about moving to an area where you can swim daily. I'd do the same thing. May the Lord Jesus touch your body and totally heal you of this frustrating and challenging condition.
I have swam in the water 4 times now and the P is down to 40% it stings like hell but it really works. I do know it will come back I just want to get a handle on it. So the UV might help.
I find that the water in different cities effects my psoriasis differently. Not ocean water just the tap water I bathe in. We went to Atlantic City for a long weekend and after my first shower I saw a noticeable difference. By the time we got ready to leave I couldn't believe the difference. Even the couple we were traveling with noticed and asked if I was trying a new medication. I've tried the UV light and it does help a lot. Unfortunately, I find it very inconvenient. They suggested I have treatment 3 times a week. So 3 times a week you have to work a trip to your doctor's office into your schedule and of course they have limited hours. You have to completely undress and then redress. I have extremely fair skin so they only let me stay under the light for 15 to 30 seconds to begin with. I did this for about 6 weeks and there was a definite improvement, but I found it very hard to keep up with.
I'm glad your treatment is working for you. You have to realize however that each person reacts differently to various diets / medications / what have you. What works for you may cause someone else to flare. If it was only easy enough to follow something and make this all go away we would all be doing it. I've been at this for thirty years and can tell you there is no magic fix.
And like Stoney says, not everyone here is Christian. It is simply polite to ASK before before praying etc for anyone.
Rico said:
Sheena, have you tried any of the Traditional Chines Medicine/acupuncture treatments? Also, have you done any dietary changes? You MUST eliminate all sugar, red meat, wheat, and more from your diet. Turmeric seems to be good, papaya, pinapple. Avoid ALL HOT foods. No hot pepper for you ever again. I don't know if this would work, but it's worth a try. Also NO alcohol (wine, booze, beer) since they negatively impact the liver and supposedly psoriasis is directly linked to the liver's inability to get rid of toxins that cause the skin condition. Let me know how it goes and good for you about moving to an area where you can swim daily. I'd do the same thing. May the Lord Jesus touch your body and totally heal you of this frustrating and challenging condition.
I'm not saying anything than ASK before you pray for anyone here specifically.
For example, you said "May the Lord Jesus touch your body and totally heal you of this frustrating and challenging condition". Do you realize that you don't know if the person you are asking would welcome that?
This is standard behavior on online sites. If you want to leave rather than ask for permission first, then that shows no respect for other people's beliefs.
Rico - thanks for the tips. It’s true what worked for me or u may not work for others but there is nothing wrong with posting what did help for u, because u may end up helping someone. My Drs told me I’m the worst they have ever seen and there is nothing elts they can do so needless to say I am willing to try anything . As for the praying do what u feel u need to. It’s the topic of religion people dont like I’m from canada not the US I have vacation homes there and I do love it. But the feeling is the same in both countries. I can tell u are not the same religion as me but if u feel u need to pray then do what u feel is right. Just understand the topic of religion bothers people and it needs to be respected.
If I’m not mistaken, this is a forum for passing on information that helps our condition. I’m not trying to “pull rank”, but I am a physician. There are many scientific studies that are well designed which indicate that unless you address all 3: physical, mental AND spiritual, you have not treated the whole patient. Is this forum only meant to offer advice on 2 of the 3 proven facets which make up a healthy human being? I hope not. Otherwise it is sadly lacking.
This is not a spiritual / religious support group. Isn't it polite to not discuss politics and religion with those you do not know? People here come from around the world and a multitude of faiths. Attempting to cover all the faiths represented here would be difficult and make other uncomfortable. We're all in a mess with this disease the way it is.
I think some of u r reading way to deep into it. I’m not at all discussing religion / having ppl do things that have no proven background. If someone finds something that has helped them no matter what it is. I would like to know about it. My dermatologist told me to try ocean water to get on top of the psoriasis. He said there is no harm in trying. So that’s what I’m doing. Some people have not experienced psoriasis coverage of 90% of there body’s and let’s hope u never have to because the torment of that alone will make u have suasidle thoughts. And u at that point r willing to dance in the rain and roll in mud if it Evan gave u a bit of hope that it might work. My psoriasis is so bad that I don’t sleep for days and if I roll on to my side in my sleep I have ripped my skin. And as for the person who made the religious remark I think that was just his way of saying don’t give up. And I made It clear ppl don’t care to hear about religion. I think he got the hint no need to make him move to some other site when we are all suffering from the same things. Just because of one comment.
For all the other ppl who suffer from psoriasis really really bad. Feel free to leave the tips that have helped u. : )
Sheena I know how you feel, I still find it so hard to talk and even think about how I felt with severe coverage of P. I couldn’t bear people to see my skin, the only place I didnt have much was my face and the soles of my feet.
People can be so cruel and ignorant of a person who looks different. The shame of being told to leave a public pool incase people ‘catch it’. The mother on a bus who pulls her child away in horror in case their child should accidently touch you. The disgust people show you…I’m welling up in tears just thinking of the emotional pain.
The physical pain of a ‘thousand paper cuts’ whenever you move, bed sheets covered in blood. My husbands face registering disgust at the flakes.
What worked for me was 12 weeks of UVB treatment 3 times a week and dovabet cream twice a day.
I hope you get some relief, I really do. X
I have palmoplantar pustular psoriasis and I've tried creams, ointments, biologics, PUVA and methotrexate and nothing works for me. Now I'm probably developing PsA. My feet are so bad they split open and bleed when I walk. The only thing I've not tried is a diet change. I guess that is next.
There are days that I don't want to have to get up and go to the bathroom or shower, or get something to drink or eat because it all requires walking, which is so terribly painful. Like walking on shards of glass with glass stick in your feet. So I know how you feel about the pain, and the flaking. If your husband still looks in disgust at the flakes then he is not worth keeping around because this is a life long issue. He will either have to get used to it - or walk. I would refuse to be with someone who can't accept the whole package, psoriasis and all. Yes the flakes are annoying to deal with and at first they are kinda icky but to look at them OR YOU in disgust is just downright rude and mean and it means that he doesn't love you. At least that's how I look at it. My family never mentions my skin flakes or looks at them OR ME in disgust. It is what it is.
Its ok Brittany, I put up with years of his disgust and many more worse behaviours, but got out 3 years ago. I have a lovely boyfriend now who’s Gorgeous, loving and doesn’t notice the few small patches of P I do have…my husband just didn’t deserve me
I hope you get some thing that works for you eventually, I have a new life now, yes its painful and exhausting to have the PsA but if I had to choose between this facet of the disease and P I’d choose the way I am now. Unfortunately we don’t get a choice.
The only way I coped with nearly full coverage of P was to have a 2+ hour bath every second day, where the flakes softened enough for them to rub gently away. I’d then smother myself in baby oil, and then Aqueous cream on top. This didn’t help the condition but made me able to move around pain free for the first day after the bath. I’d cream myself again in the evening.
Dang that seems like a lot of work just to be able to move without too much pain. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I totally understand. Luckily my feet have been in a sort of remission phase where they weren't actually too bad, I didn't have any splits for quite a while (about 2 months) but then my feet started getting worse again not long ago and I developed a split on one heel and that just healed a few days ago. Now I'm starting up with this possible PsA in my hand. I don't know if my other arthritis is PsA since I haven't had an x-ray yet but I plan on getting those done soon. I just have to find the paper that I'm supposed to take to the x-ray lab place to actually get it done. Knowing mom she may have thrown it away not thinking anything of it.
I wish u guys did not have to deal with this but it’s comforting to know I’m not alone my husband also looks at me with discust he won’t come near me. My hole body flakes like crazy but I stay on top of it I don’t stop cleaning. I had a guy ask me at the beach the other day what the hell bit me because my legs look like I have 1000 bites my friends where embassied so they told the guy I had a bad case of the chicken pox. Needless to say I did not have trouble getting a good spot everyone stayed 20 feet away.
And the arthritis is brutal I have it bad in what feels like every joint. My left hand is all deformed. Life sucks I hope everyone is doing better.