No More Celebrex! EVER

So I know I said I would update my blog last week, and then I didn't. Well I have a pretty good excuse.

I went to see my rheumatologist earlier this month, not a whole lot was accomplished since my Humira got cut for two months and we didn't have enough time to begin with to see if it works for me. So I started taking Celebrex again to get some relief while the Humira kicks in.

I totally forgot what Celebrex does to me!

The first time I took it I was hit with what I and the emergency staff assumed was a panic attack. Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten? I spent most of last week feeling like I was on drugs (not the good kind, obviously)! I had the worst heart palpitations I have ever had and I was so exhausted and felt dizzy. I nearly walked right into a wall while coming out of the grocery store, I needed help to the car. Then during a conversation with my husband I put two and two together.

So yeah, I am no longer taking Celebrex ever again, and within the first day of not taking it, guess what, back to normal (well my normal)!

When I initially went to the ER, I had an ECG and I guess nothing extreme had come back, I'm just a little peeved that it was obviously the pills and not just all in my head. But when you have a history of anxiety (and not even panic attacks, mind you, nothing has ever made me feel like how I felt on Celebrex) and depression, it seems like doctors will assume that that is what you are suffering from.

So what I have walked away with after this horrbile Celebrex trip is always listen to your own body first and foremost.

End rant.... ;)