Celebrex giving me anxiety symptoms

Has anyone heard of this? I ended up in the triage yesterday because I was hit suddenly with panic attack like symptoms about an hour after taking celebrex. This was my second time taking it. The first time I took it, the night before, I took it with an antihistimine and it bothered me but not enough. Last night they gave my some Benadryl and an Ativan. I feel like it was more the benedryl helping me out than the one Ativan, which in the past hasn’t done a lot for me.
Could I be allergic to celebrex??? Has anyone heard of such a thing?

I didn’t take it tonight, I’m going to take it tomorrow morning.

Thank you!!

I take Celebrex and it has not caused any anxiety reactions for me nor have I heard of it. The only way to know if it is causing it is to stop it for a month and then re-introduce it.

Depression is often diagnosed with PsA. A lot of patients, me included, have had their depression lift remarkably with a biologic that works so there seems to be some sort of chemical link. Anxiety is often a symptom of depression so I would wonder about this link. I hope you feel calmer and well soon.

Yah I’ve had anxiety before but never like that. I’m on copra lex (lexapro) right now and have never experienced anything like that before. I do know though that anxiety attacks can hit at anytime even if you’re on an antidepressant. My sis gets them, for a while she didn’t have any but then they started again, no matter what she takes.
I’m suspicious just because it started 40 min to an hour after taking it.
I just took it again for today with an antihistamine, we will see how it goes!!
I could very well be experiencing anxiety from taking this medication.

Thank you Laura, Sybil, and Michael for your responses :slight_smile:

When I took Vioxx (also a Cox-2 inhibitor, now off the market), I had a reaction with mimicked anxiety (racing heart, sweating, short breaths, etc), but I knew it was the med because rumors were circulating about it having potential problems. I had this reaction on the very first dose. I've never had a reaction like that, so told the doc and we changed meds.

I wouldn't be surprised at all that you had a reaction like this to Celebrex. Just change meds and you should be fine :)

It's not you, it's the meds (great breakup phrase for saying goodbye to certain meds).