
Hello everyone!

Wow, I’ve had a really busy few months here.

First off, I went to Paris in October with my husband. It was a week long escape from our move, and everything that goes with it.
It was pretty amazing! We stayed in a little apartment in Les Marais, ate lots of cheese and delicious bread,and more fois gras that I’ve had in my life!
It was a great trip! We did so much walking around and just living the life while there. Before we went, we bought some comfy black nike track shoes, which are quite “in” right now. I didn’t feel a lot of pain, not like our trip to Scotland last year. It was such a relief.

Right before we left, I took my 6th in a row humira shot! I think that’s what really helped me! I didn’t feel as sore and stiff on the plane. It was a huge relief.

And now, we are finished our move to a small town in the interior of British Columbia!

The day we got in, it was colder than I’ve felt it be in years! AND I had the WORST I MEAN WORST tooth ache of my life! I had to go to the emergency in a small town to get some amoxicillin and t3s. I was pretty surprised that the small town doc knew more about my arthritis and medications than they city doctors. But it makes sense, small town doctors, especially in towns without rheumies must deal with a lot more ailments than their bigger city counterparts.

After one more trip to the er and another type of antibiotics, it finally stopped the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.

So now… We are all moved in, well there are still a few boxes left to pack, but we are settling in nicely!