Do You Even KNow Why You Hate Mornings?

This was written to my spouse but I wanted to share because, I needed to, and someone else might feel the same.

OK- I've had it! I'm done. So what if I'm the cheerful one at 6 a.m.?I have my coffee in hand( barely), I'm cheerful and I great you with a smile.You ignored me and walked on past in zombie mode ,grumbling about this or that pain.Why? You had the same amount of sleep as me. You have much stronger pain meds (HYDROS) than I do. We sleep on the same mattress and share the air of the same room, listening to the same dog snores all night long. We both have arthritic diseases of the back- I also have PsA which involves my hands and feet as well. We both have Dr.s and pain management. I have come to the conclusion that your morning is bad because you want it to be.

Change your attitude and you'll change your day! Get yourself up and take your meds first thing, then MOVE!!!!!!!! Stop moaning, it does no good and instead of making people sympathetic it just upsets them. Get your butt up and exercise your stiffness away. You know there is no other option.Stop taking it out on me and the morning.The sun did not give you your infirmities-your life choices did. I did not give you your disease- your DNA did. FACE IT. Morning did nothing to you!!! Stop treating it and me as if we murdered you. We didn't, nor did we slight you in any way. Give it up. Stop being mad at me for enjoying the gift of the sun---- IT means LIFE to me!!!!!! Of course I celebrate morning! Without the sun- I die, end of story. So I celebrate every day when the sun comes up and it offends me deeply when you poo all over it every darned day.I don't spit in your soft drink. You have no cause to hate morning or me. You hate your pain.You can change that by changing your lifestyle but you refuse and that is your choice.Save your frustration for someone else- I don't want it anymore. I love the morning and I will continue to worship the sun for it IS LIFE FOR ME. :)

All I can say is your blog hits home with me. Just keep smiling and loving the mornings. I'm a morning person, too. My husband and I are about as opposite as could be in so many ways. Yes, opposites attract--but not always. There are so many things I wish were different. I'm not perfect either. But I try very, very hard to be the best person I can be and definitely FOR SURE appreciate all the good in my life, my job, my family, the world! I'm not a complete optimist, because I know everything isn't always going to be perfect and work out the way we would like. But, that makes it easier to be happy--by accepting things even when they don't come out exactly as planned and just making the best of everything. I have to say, though, when PsA was at its worst, I was having a really, really hard time being myself in the morning and all day for that matter. I didn't take it out on others, but boy, my mind was in a whole different, unfamiliar dreary place and I had to put on a fake happy face to get through life for a couple years. So glad that's in the past! You have the right attitude, notanymore--keep it up!

thanks Grandma J, I've been doing this thing for forty years now and my spouse about twenty so we are well ingrained in our morning routine! Boy are there days when I pray it could and would change but it just isn't going to happen. So... I have to keep a "good" attitude to get by. I am a very good actor most days and I do believe I'm up for the academy award this year. I was sure I saw you, Sybil, Timberwolf, Seenie and many others on the invitation as nominees as well !!!:) LOL Here comes the sun deedledeedee. :) Have a good day.