Has anyone continued treatment while having a cold. I feel a cold coming on. I'm wondering if it's ok to still take my meds when feeling I'll. However, I don't want to fall back into the continuous pain. I just started to feel good.
Any suggestions.
Has anyone continued treatment while having a cold. I feel a cold coming on. I'm wondering if it's ok to still take my meds when feeling I'll. However, I don't want to fall back into the continuous pain. I just started to feel good.
Any suggestions.
I'd call your doc and ask them. My Rhuemy always told me to go ahead and take my Humira and Remicade when I would get sick. I believe it has a lot to do with your overall health, age, and dosage of medicine.
My Rheumy told me to take it unless I am running a fever. I get a lot of flu like symptoms when the inflammation is high; nose runs (clear), cough, chills, muscle pain and fatigue.
I would check with your rheummy. At the time, it was 2007, i had gotten a sinus infection ( no-fever)....and i saw the rheummy, ( regular 3 month visit). And i was on Augmentin from the PCP...I asked him to check my breathing, and what to do with Humira, Mtx
He said go ahead with the meds....Few days later i was in intensive Care with pnuemonia in the hospital...The PCP called the rheummy, and chewed him out for letting me take the meds.
Yes important if cough , or nasal stuff is clear, or yellow/green........but i tend to be on safe side, and always ask rheummy first
so now, with the first signs of being sick, i don't get fevers much, but sinus issues, i run to the doctor, because of the bad memories of being that sick
Always check with your Rhuemy. I’ve taken it once under his instruction when I could feel a cold coming on (it was definitely just a cold), and once he told me to go to my GP, and advised that if he thinks its viral, take it, if he prescribes antibiotics, do not (mild chest infection with antibiotics prescribed, so stayed off for two weeks).
I can personally run a low temperature / low grade fever that’s not related to infection, so I’ve learnt not to stress too hard about that unless its high, but all that really depends on your own body.
Thanks for the advice. I am fairly new. Diagnosed in October started Humira in November and MTX two weeks ago and still on steroids. I take Humirs on Mondays and MTX on Fridays. Really concerned as I’m just getting back to mobility since October. My first full week of work since.
I’ll contact my rheumy if I get a full cold but for now its just a cough.
Thank you again