Basically ive lost everything due to my health i have psa, fibromyalgia, epilepsy and really bad on an off memory issues. My nerologist an roomy tell me that i can not work so in the last yr ive lost my income i have had to sell my car sell my furniture and lost my house Thank god i still have my babies. I am currently seeking ssi i have bin denied twice my lawyer says its bc of my age i dont believe anyone should have all these problems at such a young age im only 25 ! My doctor also took my license i had to many seizures! im on about 9 different meds a day and so depressed! so i have also bin seeking cash assistance untill i get ssi but they denied me i have no income they said its bc i cant comply with the work force bc im disabled my doc even confirmed it an i still dont have it!! Is there any other help out there i dont know about?? i cant handle this anymore my landlord is going to change my locks next week an all i have is a stupid trailer it was all i could afford when i lost my house and now im gonna loose this im having a really bad break down anyone pls any advice Thankyou....Jessica
Jessica, I didn't see this post before I posted to your reply in "ARGH" post here it is:...."
Jessica, I wish there was a way I could help you out! I'm sure you've been up and down every avenue...but, look into some type of home based work. Make sure it's ligit. Maybe your local career center can help. Or a temp service. I know it's hard to start but, selling on ebay.
I know they aren't great ideas. I wish I had better ones for you."
You may want to call some of your local churches also. ALOT of churches will help with bills, food some cash...anything will help!! I know you have applied for ssi but, have you applied for any other assistance ie. food stamps? call your wellfare department get whatever you can!
The most important thing is to stay tough and keep yourself and your kids safe. You will find some help!
Hey, I checked your page for where you live. You have probably already called these folks but maybe they can help you navigate the ssi. FIRST CALL FOR HELP - (386) ■■■■■■■■. Robert is correct in saying that local churches may be able to help. They may also have people or know of people with similar situations so may have some guidance on how to proceed. Do your Docs has any social supports services in their clinics? I know where I live Docs can often refer a patient to a social worker to help navigate all the financial and social concerns involved with chronic disease pts. I can not do much for you from here but I can do Internet searches for you ( cause I know with little ones and this disease life is crazy) if you. Want help and I can be reached through messages if you need to chat. Thanks.
Yes fortunatly i have food stamps an medicaid an currently seeking ssi an cash assistance but while i have bin waiting ive lost evrything an yes have bin to all the churches they only let u come once a yr but thank you vary much
Robert said:
Jessica, I didn't see this post before I posted to your reply in "ARGH" post here it is:...."
Jessica, I wish there was a way I could help you out! I'm sure you've been up and down every avenue...but, look into some type of home based work. Make sure it's ligit. Maybe your local career center can help. Or a temp service. I know it's hard to start but, selling on ebay.
I know they aren't great ideas. I wish I had better ones for you."
You may want to call some of your local churches also. ALOT of churches will help with bills, food some cash...anything will help!! I know you have applied for ssi but, have you applied for any other assistance ie. food stamps? call your wellfare department get whatever you can!
The most important thing is to stay tough and keep yourself and your kids safe. You will find some help!
Thank you for everything but basically i have tried everything like that went to the chuches but u can only get rental help or anything like that once a yr so i have a while to wait but anyways no not that i know of about the doctor but i will ask next appt but they took my lisecnce bc i have to many seizures so idk but thanks again
Kirsten said:
Hey, I checked your page for where you live. You have probably already called these folks but maybe they can help you navigate the ssi. FIRST CALL FOR HELP - (386) 253-0564. Robert is correct in saying that local churches may be able to help. They may also have people or know of people with similar situations so may have some guidance on how to proceed. Do your Docs has any social supports services in their clinics? I know where I live Docs can often refer a patient to a social worker to help navigate all the financial and social concerns involved with chronic disease pts. I can not do much for you from here but I can do Internet searches for you ( cause I know with little ones and this disease life is crazy) if you. Want help and I can be reached through messages if you need to chat. Thanks.
You will get your best help (in any state) from Voc rehab. They will supply help/support while trying to find/train you for employment. If you absolutley can't work you will be fast tracked for SSD. but keep in mind you will not be eligible for Medicare for 2 years, so your social security will count as earned income possibly making you ineligable for medicaid.
I know its hard to believe (or accept) but RARLEY will the doctors opinions be much help (and frankly the longer your disability attorney draws it out the more he makes) without a comprehensive impairment rating and work evaluation, trust me you are MUCH better getting this from the state than a social security appointed doc.
Also Bens friends our sposor has partnered with probably the best advisory group in the country. fromTracy:
"Ben's Friends has Partnered with The Social Security Law Group -
A Member on the CDIP Forum needed SSD Appeal assistance on a recent post & didn't know where to turn to. We announced the Partnership with the SSLG in the December Newsletter.
They are a National Firm that I have personally used myself & they are incredible. When you contact them please tell them you are a Member of Ben's Friends. If you have any questions please contact me at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ . The link is under Partners on the Main Page on the bottom right."
Hi,I have corrected my psa without medication and you can to.You are going to have to reduce your diet to a super nutritional state like only smoothies for breakfast loaded with vitagreen and vi-shape and fresh fruit,then walk on a treadmill or outside everyday to keep your joints mobile but the number one thing that has led to my incredible recovery is EARTHING.Look into body grounding with the bed sheet and heal while you sleep it was an amazing transformation for me as it helped heal all of my issues.I still have this condition but I am back to work and feeling like I am going to be able to do what ever I want now.I DO NOT take any of those god awful meds as they made my condition FAR worse after they stopped being effective.Do your self a favor and invest in the grounding bed sheets it will transform your life like it did to mine.MB
By saying I have corrected my psa and you can to is a very big claim. This may have worked for you but this does not work for everyone. This is not the be all end all cure all. It would be good if it was. I have been eating healthy all my life, my father grew fruit and vegetables and so have I until recently. Part of my life was on a farm. I have tried the super healthy for several years and now back to the healthy. I once was very active and got plenty of exercise. It did not prevent PsA or cure it or correct it. Some days it is impossible for me to put my weight on my feet to walk. Then I do some exercises in a chair. We are not all the same. I don't know about grounding with a bed sheet so I won't comment on that but I will look it up on the net. I am pleased that this has worked for you and I hope it may work for many others.
markb said:
Hi,I have corrected my psa without medication and you can to.You are going to have to reduce your diet to a super nutritional state like only smoothies for breakfast loaded with vitagreen and vi-shape and fresh fruit,then walk on a treadmill or outside everyday to keep your joints mobile but the number one thing that has led to my incredible recovery is EARTHING.Look into body grounding with the bed sheet and heal while you sleep it was an amazing transformation for me as it helped heal all of my issues.I still have this condition but I am back to work and feeling like I am going to be able to do what ever I want now.I DO NOT take any of those god awful meds as they made my condition FAR worse after they stopped being effective.Do your self a favor and invest in the grounding bed sheets it will transform your life like it did to mine.MB
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I have heard that Bender and Bender (which is supposedly nationwide) is the best for helping you get disability. I don't have any personal experience with them. Maybe someone else on here does and could give you info about their experience. I can't believe our country has come to this where we will not help someone who is disabled - because of their age and yet people who could work but won't work are getting entitlements totaling $40,000. per year- rent paid, food stamps and even getting EBT cards to draw cash on. If it's any comfort, most people say they have to apply for SSI three or four times before they get it. I am 63 and took early retirement last year because the pain and stress had become unbearable. I have PsA and some osteoarthritis. I put my work retirement money into buying a house and am trying to live off my social security. My husband who is a little younger is still working. I am doing better and wanted to go back to work but cannot get a job (I am a registered nurse) but because I was on FMLA they don't want to hire me. I also think age plays into it- why hire a 63 year old when you can get a 23 year old for half the money? I'm not sure I could do it but I wanted to try part time at least but so far no luck. Please hang in there and keep trying. I believe you will eventually get the SSI but it's going to be tough until you do. May I suggest telling your story to FOX News? Bill O'Reilly is an advocate for people who can't get the help they need. He helped get a young marine out of jail in Mexico recently where he was being held unfairly. Our government was doing nothing but Bill got the wheels of justice turning and got him out within a week. Sean Hannity is another Fox news person who would most likely be interested in your story. Just lay out your story like you did here and tell them you don't understand why people who won't work get help and people who worked but are now disabled can't get the help they need. God bless you and good luck!
I was without work and on a sickness benefits for a couple of years with a back problem, a herniated disc and I had surgery before being able to return to work and even then I found it hard. I retrained and I became a relationship counsellor. I had two teenage sons at the time and their father who I was seperated from did not pay the compulsory child support until they caught up with him. I have done it tough and know how you feel.
I don't know what your system is like as I am from Australia but I did learn how to cope. I learnt how to shop for bargains. Bargain I did and I bargained hard. I learned how to sew and re-make things. I made childrens stuffed toys from scrap bits of material and sold them at a local market. Every time I sat down I had a basket of things beside my chair and I would do the hand sewing to finish off a variety of things that I had made from scrap material to sell at local markets and some I put on consignment in shops. I removed labels that were fashionable and re-sewed them onto other clothes for my sons so it looked like they had the latest latest surf clothes to wear. I made fleecy hooded tops before they were fashionable and their friends wanted some, so I made and sold them. I leaned how to cook economical meals. We grew most of our vegetables and excesses we sold or traded. I got some chickens and sold eggs. My neighbours supplied me with all their food scraps to feed the chickens. I only had to ask! I made things last and go a long way. I made homemade gifts. I made and sold pickles and jams and my boys helped me as I couldn't stand for long. I made life fun by going to the beach or go for a drive to a different place and have a picnics, sometimes this was only a short distance. I always took my own food and drinks with me and we would have an ice-cream when we got home. I use to take my boys out to places like the pet shop to look at the fish and we would splurge and buy a fish to put into a throw away fish tank that we mended. I sold my childrens old toys and grown out of clothes to help me buy newer things. I made greeting cards with pressed flowers or hand painted them and sold them through a craft shop. I made jewellery. I learned to paint and still do and sell my paintings. I had a little dog and she produced litter after litter until I retired her. I sold her pups. I typed up resume's at home and other similar work. I switched the power off every chance I had to cut down on my power bill. We would go around the streets on clean up days and look for bits of furniture that was being thrown away some had broken bits that could be easily fixed. My sons and myself restored and repaired what other people threw away, we kept some and we sold some.
Now I am on an aged pension and I have to watch my spending very carefully and I still do some of these things.
I hope this gives you some inspiration and some ideas. You never know something you might try might turn into a good steady supplementing income for you.
I missed the age thing sorry. No matter who you are you need to have at least 20 credits earned in the last 10 years a credit is added to your account for each $1160 you earn, up to a maximum of four credits per year...... (despite what our right leaning friends say, social security is not an entitlement program.
SSI on the other hand is a different matter. Its very hard to come by if under 65 and over 18. It is pruley a federal entitlement program with very strict icome and asset amounts. Without a Voc rehab trial, it is nearly impossible to get.
All that being said, you need help a disability lawyer will not seek for you. IMMEDIATLY contact the salvation Army Social Services they are the leading advocates in any community. They will arrange for case management services and help with section 8 housing. Talk to your SNAP worker. You can get cash benefits for 18 mos (in your entire life so be careful) Contact your Senator (not congressman) about fast tracking your SSI application to administrative judges. Also if your kids are school age, your school district will have a social worker who will help.
I can not stress again how critical Vocational Rehab is to all of this. I know I have told this story before but the person who takes disability apps at our local social security office is quadriplegic on a respitrator who uses a speech simulator (because of the respirator) He has constant (an painful) muscle twitches. he takes the infprmayion by tapping it in with a soda straw. He was injured in a diving accident in college. His motivation for the job was to earn enough credits for disability (SSI wouldn't pay his rent) He has since earned enough, but enjoys his job.
As a Mormon "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" with PsA. We bleive that family is first. If you have no family that is willing to help then the Church will.
I would start by talking to a local Bishop. He can give you a work order to work and Desert Industries. He can also pay some of your monthly bills. Desert Industries is for people with disablities. You could work there to get back on your feet and transition to some other job that you are better suited for. Or you could have a life long job and Desert Industies. Most Cities have mass transit that stops in front of Desert Industries. They work with most State Rehab to help people in need. Desert Industies is a place where you preform to your ablilities not to what is expected. So if you can only do one thing they will have you do that one thing. Althought these services are intended for members, they are given to nonmembers as well. They have one requirement to get these services... that you attend church every sunday (sacrament meeting)...this does not mean that you need to become a member (unless you choose) it just mean that you attend. This allows the Bishop to see your progress on a weekly basis without scheduling a meeting with you.
I know how you feel I am in the process of selling my home before I loose it. My income is reducing at a rapid rate. I am a architect and work from home. But I am getting to a point where I can not get out much because my wife will not let me drive any more and I can not walk much any more. I am in the process of appling for SSI but I am 55 and have all the credits that I need. But I have only just begun the process. I applied last November. I have filled out lots of degrading paperwork.
Thank you Not Understood nicely said. I'm not LDS, but I have always admired their system of "help" its the model of the new public systems in this country, but to dang many bureaucrats in the way
I hope the upswing in building means some more work for you. Who knows maybe you will have a great future in "universal construction" for remodeling projects. Someone who really understands will have folks line up at the door. Small projects with little site work may be just the ticket