Hello To All,
I realize I did previously post as an introduction, but there is just so much to say. So I am trying one more time, since I am new and unsure of how all of this works. Besides my other post did not give much information.
Anyway, I have had PsA for almost 4 years, actually longer, just did not get diagnosed till 2009. I have other health issues as well that I am being treated for. I have been on multiple anti inflammatory meds, I have asthma, fibromyalgia, IBS, Ulcer, Carpal Tunnel, a severely injured back, vertigo, and other minor health conditions. Many of this has been a gradual over the years things except for my asthma and PsA. With the PsA I am being treated for the condition but not to stop the actual progression of the disease, that I found out from tmbrwolf329. I almost feel as if I have had this longer but no one really knew. Maybe just me looking to blame. But what I do know is that there is so much valuable information out there. This I learned from tmbrwolf329. Thank you so much for all of the valuable information, and links to other info. You have helped me so very much.
I have already begun to fight for my rights. I have no income, no medical insurance and have been turned down by pretty much every program I apply to. If I was homeless here in Michigan I could get the Medicaid, but I live in my husbands parents home, thankful for that or we would be homeless. I applied for Obama Care and was denied for that. Can not get Medicaid, or Medicare. I am on my first appeal for SSI. I have been unable to get any care for my health needs. But now I may have other options and I am going to try and get what I can to keep me alive and breathing.
Finally, I hope to get some great info about all my issues, which range from; no support, to not the right treatment, to finding the medical care that I need, or maybe even I can lessen the pain by eating certain things. This too is an issue for me, I have no appetite either. I weighed 165 lbs one year ago, now I weigh 115. I am getting way to skinny. Anyway, I did make some calls and found some programs that might help, hopefully I will not get denied.
Well I guess that is it for now. I am looking forward to meeting others like me. My story goes on, but my health needs continue. I know this is where I can get great advice and talk to people like me. I love to chat and learn new things, so I can help others too. Peace to all. Mary