
I found this group during a search for information on PsA and thought it might help to talk to people who suffer from the same thing. I personally do not know anyone with PsA and until the Rheumatologist told me she was sure thats what I have I had never even heard of it!

I have been having problems for almost ten years and have been to many Drs and had soooooo many tests done it seemed hopeless. The last few years have been the worst, I lost my job, I can't work, and people laugh when I tell them even my toes hurt, but boy do they hurt. I have another appointment with my Rheumatologist next week and am hoping for something else for pain, ibuprophin makes me sick even though I am on stomach medicine that is supposed to help.

I won't write a novel here, I'm just having trouble adjusting to this. I was hoping when I saw the orthopedic surgeon for my knee he would say he could fix it, didn't happen. My left knee has been swallen since January and my feet both hurt along with my toes, heals and the ball of my feet feel bruised a lot of the time. My fingers swell and hurt (I drop everything!!) and I have much pain and occasional swelling in my hips. I basically hurt everywhere! Sitting, standing or laying down I hurt!

Well thats it in a nutshell I guess. I am glad I found this group!!!


Hi Ali,

I am so glad that you found this site. I am so sorry that you were Dx with PsA and am sorry that you had to join our little club. The people here are a wonderful resource and are very understanding. You can hope on here and spill your guts as to how your are feeling and the things that your going through. No one will judge you. We will all wrap you in our arms and embrace you.

You journey was a bit longer then mine. My Drs nor I knew what I had for almost 5 years. It wasn't until visiting the foot Dr and getting pissed off at him because he told me to stop limping that I decided to figure out what was wrong with me on my own. I like you had never even heard of PsA. It took me about a month of research to finally figure out what was going on. I remember when I stumbled across PsA, I read it and thought "wow, that really sucks and I hope that I don't have that". Unfortunately, I was correct in my self Dx and didn't realize the full ramifications until my first visit to the Rheumatologist. After she examined me and told me that I was correct, she told me to wait for the nurse. The nurse came in and said "Hi Joel, I'm your nurse I'm assigned to you" I thought she meant she was assigned to me to wrap up the visit. Then it took me through a head spin when she handed me her card and said "don't call the main number, call my number" I had to ask her the question "you mean you are my permanent nurse?" she said yes. I will never forget that moment.

I write that to let you know that we are all in this together. We are all here to help each other.


Hi Ali, welcome. I’m pretty sure adjusting to this in a nice balanced way takes a lifetime (and perhaps TNT and Allan are examples where it takes less, but I think they are graciously unusual, or unusually gracious).

There is a lot to be offered, and glad you found us.

Welcome, Ali! This is a great place to connect with others and learn how to live with PsA. It takes a lot of getting used to - not only living with the physical aspect of PsA, but with the emotional aspect and the life changes it involves.

I basically spent my lifetime being told my pain was in my head / growing pains / etc. and finally got a diagnosis at age 36. Since getting my diagnosis last year, I've met several local people with it - one of whom is someone I've known most of my life!

Dear Ali,

Welcome, so nice to have you with us.

PsA was the very last thing I expected to hear out of the mouth of my current Rheumatologist, especially since I have never had psoriasis. We all think we know what arthritis is, until we actually 'look it up'! So this has been quite an on-going education. I am fortunate that whenever a diagnosis is given or extended, I am given a computer print out that explains the basics, even with that the first place I head is the computer, if I did not have a computer, I would have been at the library.

The very best info I have been given has been right here on Ben's Friends. By communicating with those all over the world, you learn so very much, so it helps pick you up from the shock, and helps you through the symptoms, the possible solutions, and the other things life throws at you on the way.

My Rheum. insists this is an inherited disease, my grandmothers have long suffered, and surely this disease was part of it, it just had not yet been named.

We welcome you on our journey!

Wishing you WELL,


I just joined as well having been newly diagnosed after suffering 10 years of debilitating neck pain, neck surgery, lack of sleep, numerous failed procedures by a pain management doctor, knees hurting, getting sick constantly, and turning into a shell of the person I used to be. My Dr immediately put me on Zipsor and Tramadol and gave me a couple of shots and it has made a world of difference! I go for my second appointment in Oct. keep in touch and let me know how your treatment goes! Laurie

Welcome Ali! I know exactly how you feel about finding a place with others like you. Before joining I had never talked to another person with psoriatic arthritis in the entire 7 years since I was diagnosed. Gosh I feel your frustration with not having answers, but even as serious of a disease, isn’t it great to finally know what is going on? Now you can find the appropriate treatment and get to feeling like yourself again! Before treatment I had problems trying to even zip my pants and often had to ask my roommate to do tiny things like that for me, now I’m back to being completely independent and even live on my own! I hope so much that you find something to help you feel better and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions. Welcome to the group! So glad to have you!!

Thank you all for such a nice welcome! The past few days have been rough, I still get frustrated when I can't do things I used to. We are hanging wallpaper (redoing the living room) and one wall takes me two days to recover!! The pain can really wear me down. Hopefully when I see the rheumatologist this week she can give me something I can tolerate taking.

I try to stay positve by telling myself it could all be so much worse, because it could be. I would appreciate a good nights sleep though :)
