Update on multiple areas

Hi everyone. I'm new and although I have not posted yet, I have been lurking and reading up. I have been newly diagnosed with PsA, although looking back, I have had it more than 10 years. I have dad to thank both for the diagnosis and for telling me to go see a Rheumatologist.

Anyway, at the urging on some friends and family I filed for disability (at least while we get the meds going so I can function again). Since I had not heard from them, I called 2 different attorneys and I was declined representation by both. Very discouraging since 1 of the attorneys represented my mom and husband. Oh well, guess I'll be tackling it on my own at this point.

I started Methotrexate 2 weeks ago. Its a small dose, but I'm realizing I'm very glad. It has not started working on any pain yet, so I'm impatiently awaiting some relief there. I have been getting migraines every day, have not had more than 3 hours sleep a night since Friday (nearly a week now) and a few others. I understand these are side effects of the Methotrexate but they stink!!!! Next appointment is in 3 more weeks, so I'm hoping I will be better adjusted so he can increase the dosage.

I have watched my dad with PsA for the last few years (long story short he is back in my life after not being in it for 15 years), but I am trying to figure things out for me. What works for him is a ways down the road for me still.

On top of everything I was told I have severe osteoarthritis of my knees (I have had several surgeries on each). My Rheumatologist told me after our next appointment he wanted me to get with dermatology and orthopedics. He is pretty sure I need at least 1 knee replaced. Not a good thing to hear at 38.

Sorry this is a hodg-poge of things. Its great to have a support group to talk to. Currently everyone my family has a disability so we are understanding of each others limitations and try to help each other when we can. Sometimes its nice to talk to someone "outside".

Welcome! I was so happy to see your post! You're dealing with a lot, but it sounds like you have a good amount of support and understanding at home, which is invaluable. It's always nice to talk to someone on the "outside," especially when family members are dealing with their own stuff and you need to vent.

Many of us have multiple diagnoses. I have PsA/Ankylosing Spondylitis, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Celiac, hypothyroidism ... I think that's it? I sometimes lose track! LOL I have an irrational fear of applying for disability. I have no idea why. LOL

No problem...talk as much as you like. We all need it here sometimes. I think we all have a hodge podge of things happening to our bodies too. It's frustrating waiting for relief and to see if the meds will help before moving on to try another. I hope the mtx works for you.

You're lucky to have someone around who can understand. I still can't get my family to understand PsA at all or even read any of the info I have given them. They keep talking to me like it just arthritis. They don't get it.

Welcome! Glad you unlurked, and joined the conversation. Now we can offer you direct support, and answer questions you might have! :)

Welcome into the light! You already know us if you’ve lurked for a while, so now that you’ve “come out” we’ll get to know you better.
We are all a hodge podge here, you’re fitting right in already. :wink: