Today has been a good day!
I took my kids to karate as I usually do on a Saturday, but afterwards we went to a local medieval fayre. All by alone, just me and the kids as my hubby had to work. I was so proud of myself!
We wandered around and saw the sights, then we sat down to watch the jousting, which both kids declared was "wicked awesome"
We have had a full day out and although I am tired, I have minimal painand I am not overwhelmingly exhausted. I am hoping that if I rest tonight, I will be ok tomorrow.
My parents are coming to stay with me for a week, arriving tomorrow night and I need to clean up a bit. But I do not regret my day out with my kids, even if I am suffering tomorrow.
It is so nice to be feeling well enough to take the kids out for a fun day. In the past, if I had to do it alone, I would not have gone. But today I proved that I can do it!
I would like to thank the wonderful Simponi and VitaminB complex that I take for making today possible! :) And my rhuemy!
Thats all! :)