Uveitis + Memorial Day weekend + no pharmacy stocking atropine drops = cranky me

I ended up in the ER late last night with my first bout of uveitis. I have been calling around pharmacies this morning and no one stocks the atropine that will dilate my eye to help with the pain. Super frustrating! I have 2 more to call when they open in 5 minutes and I am praying at least one of them has them in stock.

In the meantime, I have loaded up on Tylenol and Advil and I am wearing my sunglasses in the house to help with the photosensitivity. Hopefully the steroids will kick in soon.

Miz Que

Found it! Yay!

Hi Miz Que, so glad you found the med. you needed. hope you are soon feeling much better. MrsD

Feel better soon. That must have been really worrisome.

Woah that’s sound like misery. Glad you finally got the meds you were prescribed. Rock those sunglasses!!