Some of us (all of us) may need to become or own advocates. W may have to take some lead in our own care. Our doctor's can be great advisors, but we have the most to gain, and lose. Here's a broad overview of available medicines:
It may be helpful to have an organized list of all the meds currently prescribed for PsA, especially the TNF alpha blocker (biologics): Enbrel, Humira, Remicade and Simponi. TNF is one protein that's part of the "inflammation cascade." The idea of these biologics is that if you neutralize some of the excess TNF it may decrease the inflammation. Because they're targeted to one protein, the side effects are less than if they went after a broad part of our immune systems.
Spend some time learning about the other DMARDS especially MTX as they can help the biologics be more effect and they offer alternatives
After that, look at the biologics used for psoriasis (Stelara) and for rheumatoid arthritis: Cimzia -- another TNF blocker, Orencia, Kineret, Rituxan, tocilzumab, tofacitinib (Xeijanz).
Finally look at the new drug pipelines. Most notably there's the IL17 blockers -- similar to the TNF drugs but more focused with less side effects and the two pills, Apremilast and Tofacitinib (already used for RA). I know this is a lot of information and learning about them will take even more time. You can get a lot of information at including a page which lists the new meds in the pipeline: and the webcasts. You'll have to create a login to see them.
Feel free to ask me questions if you want. I know Enbrel quite well, and the other biologics fairly well. And I know something about MTX. My PsA is in remission with Humira (and it's very similar to Enbrel) so I'm not spending too much time looking further... yet, but I'm always interested in reading more.