

That's interesting. Every time I make a simple curry at home (chicken, vegetables, loads of turmeric), I flare up the next day. But it's so delicious I keep making it once every 2 weeks. I find I can't eat a lot of turmeric without flaring.

Coupla cautions. It comes at 6-8 times the cost of an NSAID, while its benefits have never been proven through study, one thing that has been proven is curcumin was found to alter iron by chelating it and suppressing the protein hepcidin, potentially causing low iron. probably the last thing any of us need being as exhaustion is aproblem. so now you are in the position of supplementing a supplement.....

Also I know we all know this, but the type of inflammation that PsA patients have has absolutely NO relationship to that of RA or OA. It chugs along causing its damage without our knowledge much of the time. probably no harm in adding supplements (except to ones wallet) but one should be very careful replacing actual medicine. There is more to it than just some joint pain relief. we are talking organs, entheses, eyes etc.

I prefer to take the tumeric instead of NSAIDs because I already have problems with my stomach. And I get my iron checked regularly and it has been fine.

That is interesting. Thanks for posting your experience.

Marietta said:

That's interesting. Every time I make a simple curry at home (chicken, vegetables, loads of turmeric), I flare up the next day. But it's so delicious I keep making it once every 2 weeks. I find I can't eat a lot of turmeric without flaring.

well, no offense, but when the link has mercola in it, I have to giggle and then throw up in my mouth a little. Also- When a title reads: Turmeric Works Better Than Drugs for Rhuematoid-Arthritis- ? Yeah, it completely turns me off. If (whatever this quack prescribes including) turmeric, doesn't work then your doses aren't high enough, you aren't buying the right kind, you aren't taking it the right way, something else you are eating is disrupting its absorption, your body is too toxic at this point, you'll have to start with detox cleaning... sound familiar?

Yes, you can share this information as if it is actual news, and as if the studies, if any, weren't biased and lacking in scientific protocol. But don't expect that others won't call you on it. Yes, the article says published 2012 study- what horrible journalism. What publication? Where? By Whom? I can only be severely skeptical at the least,when this information is not provided up front. But this is sensational journalism at best, to sell a book, to gather sheeple, to sell more books and sell more products because he is nothing if not a business man, first and foremost, out to get your money.

Please don't take this personal frances. It is not meant to be. And in case you are wondering healthy diet and exercise has and always will be a part of my anti-psa routine. There are dozens of studies about curcumin on pubmed on everything from tackling inflammation to well you pretty much name it. Perhaps his study is in there among the 1300 or so studies. And perhaps he didn't site the exact study because as often is the case something about the study didn't quite fit what he was attempting to sell. Food for thought. It isn't that I don't believe that something like turmeric can help relieve inflammation, it's that I don't like charltons globbing there festering greedy hands all over the information and turning it into a full blown pyramid of decadence for a buck, at my expense.

and here is a picture of a baby because some study somewhere said it makes people feel better.

Yes, I understand that the title is extreme, but I've read several articles about turmeric reducing inflammation. Just put it out there for thought and for those who don't want to or can't take NSAIDs.

In his article the sidebar states that the comparison was to NSAIDs, diclofenac in particular. NSAIDs are not state-of-the-art treatment for any form of inflammatory arthritis- in fact, they're after biologics, DMARDs, and steroids. The website Quackwatch has the following artice about the Mercola empire: http://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/mercola.html

Also, turmeric can cause bleeding problems if I remember correctly.

Actually psalifer I have to laugh at your picture there are a whole bunch of PsA Smurfs out there. literally have turned blue from a "medically recognized condition" (some study don 40 years ago in England) causing PsA. Actually there is several of them: Leaky Gut Syndrome, Tick Bites, Lymes disease, and Chlamydia. The cure for all being a long term (several years)dose of tetracycline (minocycline) which indeed turn them light blue. Then there are those who use colloidal silver which turns them really blue.

You can find an "article" to support anything............

I posted this for those who are looking for an NSAID alternativr. NDAIDs don’t agree with me and I thought it might be helpful for others. I now regret posting the info. I didnt expect to see such vehement opposition. I will remember this snd be very cautious snd hesitant to post again.

Don't do that frances. Its not what you post, its how you post. If you had said it was an alternative and why, no one would have said a thing (might have even posted some others. The problem is you started with an inflammatory headline, link to a questionable article and ended with a commercial for a vitamin company. Did we not know you and believe it was with good intentions your post could have been considered spam (some members thought so), your post would likely have poofed.

Not because no believes in alternatives but because rarely does go a week go by that well intentioned soul tell one of us, that everything we do for our disease to get through one more day is a waste of time when all we really need to do is quit eating tomatoes and we will be better, or their aunt has "ather-itis" and did just fine.There are multiple sellers of these alternatives trolling sites like ours. It makes dealing with a very difficult disease even more difficult. I'm, the least sensitive (far from the truth BTW - I'm old man blunt) soul here and when my sensitivity meter pegs, there is a problem. BTW there is more tumeric in a serving of mustard than some of the pills your guy is selling...

Frances, as I said early on in my post, this was nothing personal against you. It was the information and its presentation that I was passionate about. Mercola and his ilk can only be slowed down when pressure in the form of scientific reason is applied. When this type of information is reposted to a website like this, I feel it's my duty to speak against it. My apologies if anything I said hurt your feelings. And do keep posting, it was the message, not the messenger. :)

oh yes, I remember being given a bottle of colloidal silver. Another 'cure'. I try to stay informed so I did not turn blue. Not that I have anything against smurfs.

tntlamb said:

Actually psalifer I have to laugh at your picture there are a whole bunch of PsA Smurfs out there. literally have turned blue from a "medically recognized condition" (some study don 40 years ago in England) causing PsA. Actually there is several of them: Leaky Gut Syndrome, Tick Bites, Lymes disease, and Chlamydia. The cure for all being a long term (several years)dose of tetracycline (minocycline) which indeed turn them light blue. Then there are those who use colloidal silver which turns them really blue.

You can find an "article" to support anything............

Could you be more negative. I’m very disappointed in this unheloful discussuon.

Don't worry about it Frances. We know you here, and you often post good information and you were trying to be helpful.

Frances said:

I posted this for those who are looking for an NSAID alternativr. NDAIDs don't agree with me and I thought it might be helpful for others. I now regret posting the info. I didnt expect to see such vehement opposition. I will remember this snd be very cautious snd hesitant to post again.