Homeopathic treatments

Hey does anyone know anything about using Turmeric or Boswellia for PsA, or any other recommended homeopathic treatments?

Thanks so much for all your help!!!

If you are MTX then you are not suppose to take herbs for treatment. It is my understanding that Boswellia is a no but Turmeric is fine. But always check with doctor.

I heard high amounts of fish oils in addition to those herbs are supposed to be great. Have you ever heard of an ALCAT test for food sensitivities or intolerances? I heard this helps eliminate your triggers. I’m still doing research on the subject

Hi: I had food sensitivities testing. I really try to avoid the foods that came up. I have a great naturopath who has prescribed me turmeric (curcumin) tabs as I could never eat that much normally. I do find if I miss a day I feel it so, I think it does help me a little. Before I take anything even from my naturopath I contact my Rheumy and discuss with him as I really do not want any complications. So far so good.

I've been using turmeric for a few months. I was finally able to wean myself off of NSAIDs, except for occasional use. But we'll see what happens in the spring. That is always the time of my worst flare.

I too am on turmeric and I am starting to increase my doseage slowly. It does help me a little bit. My gastro does not want me to use NSAIDs all the time. They can be hard on my stomach. I also use A brag vinegar/water mix in the morning. I notice when I forget, I do notice a difference.

Currently, I am off all meds because of an ear infection so I am glad I have something. Hopefully by the end of the week I can get back on Enbrel.

My rhumey is not really pleased when I tell him about my new additions but that is because this out of his speciality. If it really would harm me he would tell me though but he had told me that he only treats rhumey problems and anything else I need to go to my internist. Therefore, I am going to all that can help me.

I have just begun using Turmeric by Solgar "Standardized Turmeric Root Extract, I have heard it is fantastic for the body, antioxidant, repairs cells, stomach issues, cancer cells, and it is said it helps immensely with arthritis symptoms, I take 2 capsules a day and each capsule has 400 mg. i need to call a friend of mine, she is on it and has been for years and has done research, and I can add more details when I do so. I also have other medical problems, IBS and acid reflux, the acid reflux is so calm since I've been on this along with protonix but still I feel a big difference in the bloating in my upper stomach, it really has been so much better. Only on it for 2 weeks right now but hopefully i see a change in the arthritis as well. I do remember her telling me not to take it if you are taking prednisone or any steroids. I'll find out why when i talk to her.

Thanks so much for getting back to me. By any chance, do any of you know if it bloats you. Since I've started my stomach is so bloated, but like bizarrely bloated-so weird? But, I do think it helps with the flares!

Heres the thing with Tumeric.... Actual tumeric is 5% curcumin, a polyphenol. Curcumin is the active substance of tumeric. It is in solution with the natural oils. Most homeopatic preperations (and supplements) are very low in the curcumin because they are removed either making the tincture or "tablets".

Buy real tumeric from your Whole Foods type store in bulk and if you want tabs fill your own (you can buy tablets pretty cheap Test your tumeric though to see if it has curcumin in it. a bit of distilled vinegar on top of dry Tumeric from an eye dropper should turn it bright yellow or dish soap (or other cleaner) should turn it red. (curumin is what they make pH paper out of.

It is a rhizome, so yes it can cause gas.......