I woke up with swollen eyelids agian… This time my actual eyeballs hurt like I’ve strained them or went underwater swimming for hours! I can’t wait to start Humira! I am hopeful!! Well PSA friends have a happy Friday!! For me its mtx day so I gotta clean and have everything ready for the twins weekend ,cause I will be sick tomorrow and daddy usually steps in to care for them! Uh oh lol jk. I am truly blessed with a understanding husband. He has lupus diagnosed a year after we were married. He still works hard and through flares, 60-70 hrs a week so I can stay home with the twins. And then the poor man has to come home and help me. I am very embarrassed about this my house is not as clean an together as it used to be its frustrating.not only is the PSA attacking my physical movement ,skin,liver its now attacking my sight!! Anyone else have eye involvement?
I had badly inflamed eyes before Being properly diagnosed with PsA. Inflamation went away after being treated with my first biologic drug. Hope you get some relief.
I've been mostly okay with it, but my dad (who has severe RA) had terrible eye inflammation. There would be days when his eyes were swollen shut or straight bloodshot. You're not alone! Have a fantastic weekend!
I have had a lot of iritis, which hurts but there is no swelling. That's all gone now with biologics. I also have dry eyes though, and it makes my eyeballs hurt! That is the diagnosis from the eye doctor! I treat that with overnight ointment, and eye drops during the day. It's another one of those things I just live with. There seems to be a growing list of those things.
This happens to me for months at a time then goes away. My eyes can swell up so that I can barely open them. They also get very dry and red and really hurt. I call those days my vampire eyes days. It is disturbing for folks at work to look at me. I have not been back to the eye doc since my diagnosis, but when I previously explained my symptoms he was pretty unconcerned and though it was just allergies...
I have the same problems you are describing. Nothing I have been on has helped. I have weeks of sore painful eyes then, presto, they clear up. Eye drops help a bit.
I have this also but it IS from allergies, so if your eyes don’t clear up with PsA meds, see an allergist and get tested. I became allergic to dogs when I was in my 50s!
I got extremely dry eyes well before my PsA kicked in, it was one of my first symptoms. I saw an eye doctor and got allergy drops, Restasis eye drops and for extreme flares steroid eye drops. Of course the moisturizing drops help too. I still battle this in the winter but the biologic and MTX has helped. I never had swollen eye lids, though. I would describe my eyeballs as feeling like they are made of wood when I wake up and they are bad, its like the eyelids barely want to move over them. Celluvisc is a good OTC drop that lasts a long time.
Thanks all , I actually ha e the opposite from dry eyes they constantly are tearing people think I am crying lol they haven’t hurt before just my vision goes blurry my vision has depleted some my eye doctor says its def inflammation he says he has never seen it before and because of the come and go of it he thinks its PSA he wants me to get a 2nd opinion with a colleague of his at another eye clinic due to 5 doctors at his clinic.so now that its back I will call for an appt. Is humira a biologic?
Enbrel and Humira are biologics.
My first indication of PsA was repeated iritis and an eye doctor who knew what was what. She continued to treat the iritis with all kinds of drops, but sent me to a rheumatologist, thinking that I had PsA, and she was right. Off and on for many years, but now on Humira and the iritis has been cleared up for a few years now. It wasn't allergies, although my sisters and my dad had allergies. My dad had PsA but I don't remember him having any trouble with his eyes like I do.
I have had dry eye syndrome, a bout with iritis and I get pink eye alot. Every time I get some new odd symptom, or deformity I now just assume its the PSA.
I agree with Suzanne. I call all that stuff the disease de jour.
Well that explains a lot. I never knew this was why. Many times I just chalk everything to my fibro. Seems this causes the same daily surprises.
I also have iritis and have had my vision go totally blurry. I thought I was going blind! Thankfully, my ophthalmologist saw me immediately, diagnosed and treated with drops.
I hope you feel better very soon.
I have the same problem and Humira cleared it up 100% immediately. Unfortunately it also made my heart beat like it was going to burst out of my chest so I had to discontinue after 6 weeks. Hope you have better luck with it. I’m moving on to Remicade, fingers crossed…
That is not my experience with Humira.
I’m so glad I am not going blind lol, @ Kathleen I heard remicade is the same as humira? I’m glad to hear that the humira cleared it up. And wish you luck!!I am so glad to read all the comments!! I am amazed everyday by our condition Its crazy how much it effects our bodies and its frustrating to say the least… My reum never mentioned that it could effect organs eyes ECT I just thought it would be limited to joints…Have a great weekend new friends
No one cares as much about your health as you do. Read up on PSA.
PsA can affect intestines, lungs and eyes as well as tendons, joints and ligaments. It is always best to have eye inflammation treated by an opthalmologist. Untreated inflammation in your eye can cause blindness. It is readily treatable but you have to see an opthalmologist who has treated auto immune inflammation before. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
did you know that dry eye can also cause excessive tearing??? and the itchiness that apparently some of us..me included have been treating as 'allergies'? and dry eye is another in the long list of PsA symptoms