I am new here and very glad I found y'all. I'm in need of some support from others like myself. I have recently been diagnosed with psa and fibromyalgia and started meds about 4 months ago. I am attempting to manage life with 2 young kids, spouse, job, house, etc and struggle daily. I was diagnosed with psoraisis 40 yrs ago as a baby and have thankfully been able to manage it with topical steroids throughout the years. Last fall I began having pain in my arms and hands, went thru nerve testing, MRI, x-rays, etc and was misdiagnosed with an ortho problem. This lead to surgery on my right arm in Feb and afterwards the pain was just as bad so I was sent to a rheumy. I have now seen 2 and confirmed the psa and fibro diagnosis. I am now taking methotrexate, Lyrica, muscle relaxers and NSAID and several other meds for other ailments. I saw my rheumy last Fri and she increased the dosage on the Lyrica in hopes of more pain relief.
Two days ago my right eye began to bother me. I took my contacts out that evening and by the next morning the whites of my eye were red and the discomfort worse. As the day progressed all of the white part of my eye is now red, appears inflammed and the pain continues. As of today my left eye is starting to do the same. I'm currently waiting on a call back from the rheumatologist and assume I need to see an opthamologist. Has anyone experienced any eye issues like this before?
I look forward to getting to know you all and appreciate your support and expertise.
Hi, Julie, and welcome! I’m glad that you found us, but sorry that you needed to. You’ve certainly had a rough go with this disease, but the good news is that you’ve got lots of understanding friends here.
As for your eyes, I wouldn’t bother waiting for your rheumatologist: I’d head straight to the eye doctor. There’s a possibility that this may be uveitis, which is one of the “gifts” that can come with PsA. It may be something else, but you need to find out, 'cuz you don’t take chances with your eyes!
I hope that you find this a good place for support and information. And your days of not knowing anyone else with this disease are SO over!
welcome to the site. Thanks for introducing yourself and for making good use of your first post with a great question! And YES, go get your eyes checked as soon as you can!
Hey Julie! A chronic eye issue led to my diagnosis of PsA 17 years ago! I have continued to have eye pain even when other aspects of the disease have been controlled. As your meds work though, the pain & redness will be controlled. I have slight retina damage, but it does not effect me too much. Glad your seeing a doctor! Best wishes!
Welcome. Yes a great bunch of supportive people here. I’m off to my Rheumy and ophthalmologist tomorrow. Eyes are possibly hay fever but Rheumy wants it checked. Current drug mix is not working and we will discuss remaining on Sulfasalzine (+MTX)
Hey Julie, I had chronic eye problems turn up only 3 months after my onset. How are you going in the whole thing? I found the diagnosis bit pretty scary!