Shoulder Tendon Inflammation

It is been out for years since my original post on the shoulder inflammation. Since that time I’ve been going to physical therapy, and my physical therapist said that it was nerve inflammation, as one of the posters said it might be. Last year she sent me to a neurologist, gave me a series of tests and determine definitively that it was nerve inflammation. She prescribed Gabapentin and it really helps the stabbing, excruciating pain that goes from my neck down to the bottom of my feet, it helps with my neuropathy of my feet also. It does not appear to help with my shoulder tendon inflammation, but the physical therapy continues to help with that.

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Thanks so much for following up on this, it is really appreciated!

Out of curiosity, did they think the nerve inflammation was related to your PsA, there was something else at play, or did they not really explain what it was from?

OMG shoulder tendon inflammation was horrible before I went on Enbrel…I couldn’t stand reaching up at all, washing and fixing my hair was horrible…I feel so lucky for almost three years now I haven’t had to deal with all that tendonitis! I also had a sore neck and some discs that give me pain off and on, but that didn’t seem to be connected with my shoulder pain. Also, the stiffness, like GrumpyCat mentioned–

Ugh, I don’t miss that AT ALL!!!
Sounds like this was a long-time problem for you, Toriop…glad the p.t. is helping!

They have no idea what causes it. The Gabapentin does not help it, and I didn’t get it until 2013.

Ouch :confused: for me too. I have particularly had problems with secondary muscle problems because of tendon problems in my neck. It was terrible for 3 months over summer which was terrible as I store relief during summer to cope with the winter. I am so lucky as I have no joint damage but i couldnt sleep or feel relaxed or anything… my gp just touched my shoulders and i could have wacked him (lucky i didnt as i think it would have been the end of our relationship). I have no cure but after starting endep in 4 weeks i noticed such relief…doesn’t stop the tendon problems but does act as a muscle relaxer. Lately my tendon problems are getting worse but somehow i can manage because the secondary muscle problems are addressed by the endep. Good luck :slight_smile: oh swimmimg helps too