Second fall and sprained ankle in four weeks ! Why am I a KLUTZ?

OK, so Saturday I fell and sprained the same ankle I sprained four weeks ago. I can't even tell you how it happened except I stepped on my foot and it just rolled and down I went.

I can't believe I have reinjured this ankle. And it was my "good" one. Is there anything about PsA that makes us more prone to falls or am I just a klutz?

I had NOT been drinking, but am sorely tempted at the moment and it is only 10am.

Not klutzy. But you can wind up with a lot of weakness and imbalance, so this is why it's so easy to roll the ankle. A few thoughts. Short term, stable shoes. Longer term, physical therapy to help strengthen and even out those imbalances. I had a lot of really bad tendon inflammation in my ankles, including the achilles. I am still keeping up with the strengthening exercises from last year, and especially balance.

Clearly you may need to wait to recover from the immediate injury, but this may be something to look into. And remember, RICE for the ankle. Hope you feel better soon.

I ma sorry you are being troubled by this now, Mimi.This disease has some very unpleasant surprises. I am sorry you are being sorely tested right now. I also have some instability now. I do find my exercising in the pool helps. Walking foreword, backwards and sideways is suppose to prevent different injuries and strengthen different joints. I also walk with a cane. I do not need it to get somewhere but I do need it to get back frequently and it offers me some stability on unfamiliar terrain. I decided I was too young (56) for this business so I buy my canes in different patterns and colors to match my outfit or my shoes. It takes some of the sting out of it for me! I loved House's comment in one episode, he painted flames on one of his canes so it looked like he was walking faster! Love it, I may try this next........

One of my granddaughters support specialists also teaches Tai chi at several area nursing homes. (She was an adaptive PE teacher at the school district before retiring a couple years ago.) 12 years and thousands of dollars in PT/OT never got that girl to down a set of stairs on anything but her butt without help. Robyn changed that. Now she has us both doing iTai chi together in the yard. I could not believe how unstable I had gotten, until I started getting more stable. For the first time in Three years my little girlfriend that lives in the Wii has quit commenting on my posture.

My middle daughter (the one who was on the pro tennis tour) went through an awkward phase in Jr. High (my wife the retired middle school teacher said it was common) I was asking my duaghters pediatrician after our third or fourth trip in for stitches , sprains and one fracture if we should get a work-up as I was afraid chiold protectice services would be knocking on the door. The Dco told it was common with girls in Puberty. They simply forget they are walking or standing. maybe you are going through Puberty again....

I have a Tai Chi video waiting for me at the library right now. It's the one through the Arthritis foundation, designed for people with arthritis. I figure, it can't be too bad, and I can always do it outside once I get better at it. If it's really good, I'll purchase a copy.

mimiB - in solidarity I think I sprained my wrist this afternoon, moving a bookshelf of all things (I didn't even fall on it, just put too much pressure on the joint, it snapped or crackled, and now it's being cranky). So I feel you. My ankles have always been weak, so I don't know if the PsA has played a part in that or not, but it makes sense that the disease would make us more prone to injury.

If I get a chance, I'm totally trying out the Tai chi though, maybe it'll help curb my innate ability to injure myself.

Tai Chi is definitely a good way to go, my OT taught me one based on ShibashibTai Chi :slight_smile:

I see you are maintaining your sense of humor which is a good thing. :)

I hear you. When I was younger it seemed that my ankles would “let go” once on a while. They have been hurting more lately and I have had that roll over phenomena happen several times in the last couple of weeks. I never know when it’s going to happen and I’m afraid I will fall and hurt am ankle like you did. It’s not coordination it seems to be weakness! Sorry that you hurt yourself…