Second fall and sprained ankle in four weeks ! Why am I a KLUTZ?

OK, so Saturday I fell and sprained the same ankle I sprained four weeks ago. I can't even tell you how it happened except I stepped on my foot and it just rolled and down I went.

I can't believe I have reinjured this ankle. And it was my "good" one. Is there anything about PsA that makes us more prone to falls or am I just a klutz?

I had NOT been drinking, but am sorely tempted at the moment and it is only 10am.

My whole family are klutzes, so I can't blame it on the PsA. In high school I sprained my ankle by sitting at a lunch table (no, not kidding). I've had so many minor injuries it's ridiculous! So in my case I can blame my genetics :)

I'd suggest Mimi that your ankle wasn't fully healed yet, and any little thing would have sprained it again.

Sooo frustrating though. ::::passes virtual drink:::