
I'm having a bad day. Straight out bad. But I've got stuff to do. I'm still going to do those things but I'm going to do them at MY pace. So it takes me a little longer, guess what, I've got the time. I try to keep up with everyone else but everyone else isn't battling what I've got going on. I smile on the outside but inside I'm a broken down person who wants nothing to do with the world but I still smile. I smile because I'm the kind of person that people enjoy being around. I make others smile and feel good about themselves. So what if it takes me an extra 10 minutes to get up and moving cause my hips are rusty today. People are still glad when I get to where I'm going. I have people who love me no matter what. I have my bad times but I also have my good. I focus too much on the bad lately and it tears me down. There are times I wish I could end it all but then I think about how I would be hurting so many people that are important to ME. I am being selfish today and taking my time, and I deserve to be. :)

Feeling the same, came home from work! Keep your chin up, and that positive attitude and just make it through anther bad day!! We can do it, cause we have too!

I always start my day doing something that makes ME smile. It helps me when the bad starts piling up, or I get angry cause I can't do something that I should be able, I just think back on the positive! My mom would always remind me to count my blessings and name them one by one! It gets me through the hard days.

Dear Leah,

You have a wonderful, sunny outlook on life, so caring toward others even though you are feeling poorly!

I don't think you are the type of person who is good at being selfish, I think you are just learning to be thoughtful of the reality of your illness.

The word 'selfish' brings to mind a very powerful book by one of the world's very best writers IMHO. The name of the book, as I remember it, is The Virtues of Selfishness, by Ayn Rand.

Hope that you have some relief, peace and good 'me time' today!



Being realistic is hard. I have a friend who had a child fighting cancer. She said how she got through the day was finding her own normacy. I have to remember this when I am having a hard day which has been more frequently now. We all need to pace ourselves arnd remember we are alive!