So pleased to hear @Poo_therapy that you managed to get your tooth out. Fingers crossed it’s settling now and that is the end of tooth trouble. Hope the tooth fairy paid a visit ♀️:moneybag:
Basically I said it was plainly ridiculous if not negligent to leave a person with a serious chronic autoimmune disease simply unable to eat on the basis the referral to get the tooth out in hospital meant a waiting period of 18 weeks . That’s sadly not unusual for the NHS here. And if they persisted in doing that, it could only call into question their fitness to practice being a dentist. And the drugs I’m on aren’t that scary really given they are prescribed to so many people with various autoimmune diseases. And if they persisted in thinking they’re so scary they obviously need to undergo some further training to bring themselves up to date. That I had cleared the procedure with my rheumatology team (which I had) which should be good enough.
So I got transferred to another dentist in the practice who apparently trains dentists and suddenly all the nonsense disappeared, including thankfully the offending tooth.
Anne, the tooth fairy certainly visited the dentist. She forgot to visit me though. I don’t know about the situation where you live, but where I live, they’re no NHS dentists, sadly. All of them have opted out of the NHS.
Gosh, sorry to hear that about the tooth fairy. We are very lucky out here in Wild West Wales, we have a nhs dentist still. Feel for all those who don’t, it just doesn’t seem right to have such inequality in care. Our dentist is great and bends over backwards to accommodate his regular patients and the not so regular. …Anne
Hey y’all. For the past couple of days, the whole left side of my face has been hurting, more like throbbing. This goes from my neck up to and including my head above my eye. The only thing I’ve noticed that helps is not using my mouth for ANYTHING! Literally ! Talking, drinking, eating, breathing with my mouth open, makes it worse. And I have a cold right now lol yeah my luck! Doctor appointment tomorrow. But was wondering if anyone else has had this happened?
Hi Angie,
Look up temporomandibular joint disorder and see if it sounds a bit like that? Also, if you are getting any indications of fever, pop to your GP straight away - there is a very rare type of vasculitis (giant cell artertitis) that can present like this (but try not to worry about it, likely its your TMJ just flaring).
Hey Thank you @Jen75. I looked them both up. Sounds a lot like TMJ. I think it was the day before it started throbbing that when I was eating, my jaw was clicking.
It woke me up this morning before the alarm, it was throbbing and hurting so bad. I’ll be sure to mention it to my doctor today. Thanks again!
Hi Ange, sorry to hear you have TMJ disorder - it can be one of the really difficult things to deal with (headaches and severe ear pain, not able to open mouth to eat - as you’ve discovered) - so make sure you have a stash of steroids at home in case it gets out of hand. I was pleased when I confirmed to at least know it wasn’t anything else more sinister.
Hey Thank you @Jen75.
Yes, the other condition’s symptoms and description was scary! I mentioned the face pain to the PA today. She said it’s typical of arthritis. Really? No kidding?! Lol but that’s all she said about it really. Instead of putting me on MTX, she said we need to wait for the ANA test results and put me on a round of prednisone. 15 days pack. 5mg pills. 3 for 5 days. 2 next 5 days, etc. She said for me to keep a daily log of everything whether I have improvement or not. I told her about the last round I was on. I felt better the 2nd and 3rd days but then nothing but the same after. She said that’s typical of autoimmune and arthritis. This PA is one I haven’t seen yet but she actually felt and examined places I said hurts and or swollen. The other PA didn’t do that. Just talked.
Got the blood drawn for the ANA test today finally. They are going to refer me to a neurologist for the nerve conduction test. Our insurance won’t approve it for them to do it at the rhuemy office. And I asked about a toenail test. She said that I’d have to go to a dermatologist for that. So I see 2 more specialists in my future. Ugh. I go back to the rhuemy Nov 8th (I think.)