Breaking teeth and PsA

Does pa have alot to do with my teeth breaking? My back teeth are breaking apart little by littdle. Been going on for a couple years. And my gums are really sensitive. I had a car wre k in 1990. Fractured my jaw so they wired it shut for a month. Noticed where the wires were is where my teeth r breaking.

I don't know if it's PsA related or not, but my teeth have deteriorated since a major flare (that went undiagnosed) when I was 23. My back teeth have fallen apart, and I've gotten cavities in other teeth.

I too have broken my teeth over the years and had have paid for crown after crown. I had surgery to move my lower jaw out in 1996 as well as braces because my bite was so far off I was breaking a lot of teeth. Now my dentist now puts in white metal crowns that he says I won't break. He tells me the cause is from clenching my teeth at night so I have gone back to wearing my Trutane retainers at night again. I don't think this is a PsA thing though. You should talk to your dentist about it.

It is funny you mention this b/c I have had two molars break and I had them pulled b/c I can't afford root canal. This happens one a year. I know soon the other molar will go b/c it has been filled several times. It is hard to eat. I really think mine weakened due to pregnancy b/c they say you get robbed calcium.

Same here I have had two back teeth break apart in the past 2 years.

I have fibro and perhaps early PsA and yes, I've broken teeth over nothing. One while biting down on a hamburger which was very soft. Completely fractured the tooth. Some thing with a french fry. Also chipped a tooth by biting a nail.

You'd be surprised at how many fibro people have the same issue. So it seems that broken teeth and gum issues are related to auto-immune diseases.

Yeah, this is so weird, but I also have a tooth that feels like its crumbling little by little from the middle to the outside. I gotta make a dentist appointment. I wonder if there is a similar med we are all taking that could be contributing to the tooth problem? I just started mtx about 3 months ago? idk.

Not me on my end. Definitely not. And the fibro people aren't taking the meds that you are. So I'm wondering if it's the autoimmune disease instead.

Angie said:

Yeah, this is so weird, but I also have a tooth that feels like its crumbling little by little from the middle to the outside. I gotta make a dentist appointment. I wonder if there is a similar med we are all taking that could be contributing to the tooth problem? I just started mtx about 3 months ago? idk.

I too have issues with my molars. Have had one pulled and have another that needs pulled. In addition I have 3 other teeth that are loose. All on the left lower jaw. I was told years ago that I had bone loss in that jaw due to taking meds for osteoporosis (a rare side effect). However, I believe this has something to do with the autoimmune diseases as well. I am looking for a dentist though because the last one I went to told me if I would just brush my teeth correctly this wouldn't happen. Yeah right!!

Yes! I have had two teeth break apart! In one case I had hives all over for months and no doctor could figure out why. When the tooth was extracted the hives cleared right up. Now I have two empty spots where molars should be but it would cost thousands to get implants.

I am worried again because I've started having the odd hives show up. :/

To everyone: thankx for all the comments! My teeth are crumbling from the gumline. I have a bicuspid that broke in half. But theey start as little holes and break from there. Probly gonna have them pulled b/c cant afford root canals. I was told by rheumy that x-ray showed PsA had eaten my pinky and ring finger bones. So i guess its possible it could eat up enamel

Broke a tooth years before bing diagnosed and broken one since both are back teeth.