PSA and breathless

The last visit with my Rheumy’s Nurse practioner, I mentioned fatigue and shortness of breath. She thought this odd. I thought shortness of breath was a symptom of PSA having read this before. I get out of breath all the time and have been experiencing a reflex like gasp of breath (sharp intake) at least twice a day. I had a heart test down in the past for this reason and do not feel it is heart related as it was similar to how I felt two years ago. My heart was fine.Is the PSA affecting my lungs perhaps? I would think she would have heard of this symptom. She is very knowledgeable but really seemed baffled as am I! Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?

PsA can affect the lungs, so you should follow up with a pulmonologist. When I mentioned a cough that I had for over a year plus shortness of breath I was sent to a pulmonologist. Very surprisingly, I was diagnosed with asthma. At least it’s treatable/manageable.

Wow I never thought of that and you would think they would have suggested it! I will,have to look into this- thank you!!!

I have the sharp intake thing too… now that you said it I remember it… I should see how many times it actually happens…