Post Something Positive Here Each Day

Please tell us at least one POSITIVE that happened to you this day. It can be any wonderful action or event, an inspiring thought that came across your mind, an exciting emotion, or a nice sight, smell or taste or feelings. ONLY POSITIVE, NO NEGATIVE.

Nothing is too trivial, feel free to add more positive as things happen.

I had a wonderful and warm Christmas with my husband and son. Santa was generous. Also had 2 delicious meals complete with Champagne with hibiscus flower in it! (my Rheumy okayed it) I am still a great cook! Michael 1, PsA 0 !

Even though we are hosting Christmas dinner today, my family and my husband's have all stepped up and are bringing all the side dishes and all I have to cook is the ham (whoo hoo!). I love having Christmas at our home and am so happy I will get to enjoy it without all the work. Plus I'm feeling pretty good today which is an extra bonus. It's going to be a wonderful day!!! Thank you Ben, for posting this. I have a hard time seeing the positive sometimes and your discussion made me realize how positive today is going to be. Merry Christmas!

The kids slept in until 7:00, received some lovely presents, delighted in watching 100+ people in fancy dress jump into the cold, cold sea for charity. Hurrah for me. Raspberry blown at PsA.

We took the dogs for a walk at our friends’ farm. It was picture perfect: a sunny day, lots of fresh snow, trees decorated with remnants of last week’s ice storm sparkling in the bright sunlight, and not too cold. I so enjoyed it, the fresh air, the sunshine, the beautiful views over snow-covered fields and forest, watching the fur-kids race and chase. Who cares about the crutches? Me 1, PsA 0. Today, anyway!

I watched my 2 grown up sons opening their presents with the same glee as when they were kids…lovely dinner, relaxed, laughed and counted my blessings x

Just got back from my parents house and had a fabulous day. Watching the children open the presents and scream with delight. Eating a wonderful meal and remembering Christmases of the past. Now we are expecting snow and the children are all anticipating snow angles and snowmen.

Remember: "Life a wonderful opportunity" quoted from The Hallmark Channel.

My morning sounds a lot like Seenie's. I took 4 of my parent's dogs on a long walk through their snow-covered property. It was pretty entertaining, especially with their one year old black lab bouncing around next to me. They were bounding through the snow, digging through it with their noses, and having a blast. I would normally go out with my dad, but he hurt himself yesterday on the ice. So just me and the doggies.

For the first time in three years I read a book properly. Front to back in less than 36 hours (including present opening, water fights - it’s summer here and hot - socialising and getting a decent nights sleep)

There are lots of things I wondered if I would ever do again (not just due to PsA, but also an unruly toddler), and this was one of them.

It’s made me start to think about how I might be able to some of the other things again…:slight_smile:

What was the book out of interest?

Most wonderful Christmas. My baby girl hosted Christmas at her house this year. She is a newlywed - got married May 5th and she is expecting twins in March/April! It was wonderful, new family traditions for us! So excited that next year we will have 2 beautiful baby boys to celebrate the holidays with! Am I an excited grandmommy to be or what??

MAT that is super exciting! Congratulations Grandma!

Today my next door neighbor brought me a big bouquet of flowers. She has also been on steroids in the past and has chronic health problems. She sympathizes with my pain and miserable swelling. She also told me today that my face swelling has gone down! Yay! Such a nice gesture.

I caught up with a very good and dear friend for a coffee today. She made me laugh so much. She talked about how she almost lost her new wig whilst standing near the waterfront. My friend has lost her hair because she is having treatment for breast cancer. Laughter really is the best medicine.

At the end of the evening on Christmas we dropped off my 90 year old grandfather back at his nursing home. As we were walking out both of my kids started to speak at the same time. My 11-1/2 year old son said "Great Grampy is awesome!" and my 10-1/2 year old daughter said "Grampy is SOOO sweet! I'm so glad that we got to spend Christmas with him. I just love him so much!" It just warmed my heart that my children were both feeling so much love for their great grandfather that they just had to share :). He is one of the most important people in my life and I'm glad the children appreciate him for his specialness (despite the Alzheimer's and other health issues). :) Great idea! I know that I spend far too much time focusing on the negative!

I wasn't in as much pain this Christmas so I was able to accomplish so much that needed to be done. I was even able to sit through Les Miserables at the movies and it was amazing. I highly reccommend it to all not just fans of Les Mis!

Was surrounded by love and happiness for the past three days. I am fortunate to have good friends to ease the pain from the fact that most of my children and grandchildren live in different states. We reduced and simplified our gift giving this year and focused on serving others. Such a blessed Christmas!! I so appreciate the support and love I receive from sharing with all of you. Medicines are finally reducing the amount of pain I endure, so I dare not ask for more. Happy New Year to my PsA family.

Had a wonderful Christmas and everyone was good to be supportive of my limitations.

Today was another fabulous day! Spent the morning trying to work out a carseat exchange with my baby girl. I gave her the ones she originally asked for but didn't know she changed her mind at the last minute due to stroller issues until Christmas Eve. Phew, it was tough but done! Hubby and I then had to exchange a few things and run some errands. The best part of all is that my 17 year old cat Velcro made it thru the holidays, got some more meds for him today and it's looking like he will be here a little longer and all is looking bright!

Hi everyone,

I tried a Humira pen injection in my thigh a couple of weeks ago that hurt like hell and thought my only option was remicade infusions. To make a long story short . . . I got a humira needle injection in my tummy on Sunday and it barely hurt. I'm very excited to be able to use this option.

I have been enjoying my watching my children playing with their Christmas presents, hearing them laugh and not fight! I was able to enjoy visiting with my college age son and listening about his first semester of college.

What a wonderful day!