I have a differant opinion, but we all do..Methotrexate has been used since 1980. It's such a low dose to chemo for cancer patients. Enbrel came available in 1999?
Methotrexate works well for me, if i don't have it, i get the worse pain. Along with a biologic they work well with each other.Rheummy #6, I fired..i saw him for my scheduled appt, was taking Levaquin, for a bad sinus infection...This was 1997, I will never ever forget it......Pnuemonia can KILL YOU....
I told him i was on a antiobiotic, it's a strong one..He usually checked my breathing, most rheummies, are internal meds first.
I asked him, should i take my mtx and my Humira ( 5 yrs on it)....and he said his feeligns were, as long as i didn't have pnuemonia, take it
WRONG, BAD ADVICE..I got pnuemonia..I didn't know who was President, or what day it was. That sick, not eating. My neighbor is a nurse, and other neighbor is a cop, who had a paramedic friend visiting him...They came over, checked my vitals. I fought it, i was outta it..They threw me in a car, i got admitted...In ICU..for Easter
I had Left upper lung problems...After 24 hours in ICU...New rheummy came to visit me....PCP asked who the old rheummy was, and called him and chewed him out, told him why did u tell her ok to take HUMIRA/MTX
after ICU..ur in a glass room, they watch every move u make..then i was in isolation, 5 days in hospital...3 days of sputum testing, that came back ok, no TB
I'm not sure Biologics are safer than Mtx...but i DO KNOW, any inkling of a sinus infection, or anything not right, i get off the mtx or biologic..Now i am on Remicade, so it will be differant..I will delay an infusion, if sick
I stay away from ppl coughing, as best as i can..Am careful, haven't gotten that sick again. Or i go to the doctor, first sign
Also, i believe i got that bad sinus infection from a plane. Son was in the Army, had to transfer planes in Atlanta, Delta..outside..to a smaller plane to airport, near Ft.Polk, Louisiana, ALexandria i believe....People were couching behind me, on the plane