Is it not bad enough that a person feels so bad after surgery, but then my rheumy took me off the MTX and Plaquenil for 2 weeks because they hinder the healing process. I had severe bone loss in my jaws due to taking Fosomax and had to have all my teeth pulled last Wed. I am swollen like a chipmunk, and my left cheek is every color of the rainbow. My sinus' were invading or being invaded by my top teeth (not sure which) but had to have artificial bone implants in those, so I also sound congested even though thankfully I am not. Have a temporary set of dentures (for 6 mos) and of course I can't wear the bottom ones due to mouth ulcers. Was given Vicodan 5/500 which works for half the time because as you all know we are pretty much immune to pain meds anyway.
I am not a good patient...I am used to being the "nurse".
Sorry, but just had to whine a little and thankfully I have many friends here that understand me.
"Sigh" going to lay back down now. Have a good afternoon.
Alma, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m sending healing thoughts your way.
We don’t fully appreciate our meds until we’re off them, do we? I went for a year saying that mtx did nothing for me. And then I had to go off it for a month before my hip replacement, and stay off for six weeks after. That’s when I discovered that mtx really was doing something. Oweeeee … as if the pain of a rotten hip, and then surgery, wasn’t enough!
Last week, I developed a small but nasty infection on one of my big toes (have no idea how). With a fresh hip replacement and on Enbrel, I knew that wasn’t a good thing. So now I’m on antibiotics, and off Enbrel for a couple of weeks. Enbrel was generally doing my old body good, but I was convinced that it wasn’t helping my feet. ROFL! It WAS helping my feet. Now that I’m not taking it, I have proof of that!
Alma, take care and rest. There are better days ahead.
Seenie, you are a gem. Thank you for helping me smile, I think chipmunks are cute too. Sorry to hear about your toe, I worked in Podiatry for 6 years and have seen some nasty infections. Hope you are healing. You take care also will talk to ya later.
LOL, Alma, I don’t know about the “gem” thing, but I’m glad I managed to make you smile. Sorry if smiling hurt. Oops, there you go again!
Yes, my teensy weensy infection is healing. The fire is out and the toe looks almost normal. Well, as normal as one of my toes can be! I’ll be fine, thanks for the good wishes.