Just got back from the ER

Well after 4 hours in the ER since I couldn’t move either arm and could BARELY walk, I’m home. A large dose of steroids and some strong pain relievers later I’m not sobbing just trying to move. What is more frustrating than anything is that I had my Remicade infusion a week and a half ago and took my second dose of methotrexate last night. My doctors are puzzled on why this horrible flair appeared so close to after my infusion. This was undoubtably the worst pain I had ever experienced and I have a huge pain tolerance. Crazy body. At least now I can move a little and hopefully get some sleep.

Ugh, so sorry. I hope this loosens up for you soon. Try to get some rest.

Ugh how awful. I will say what I have found after having my Remicade is that the following week I have some crazy pain and its like my body is fighting the Remicade. Sometimes the medicine wins sometimes it doesn’t. I’m counting the days until my next one 15 days to go!
Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you both so much. My Doc added the MTX in hopes to keep my body from fighting the Remicade but it’s only been 2 weeks and she said it takes about 6 to take effect. Still really sore this morning but not crying so that’s a plus! Thank you both again and I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

I am so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain I pray that you will feel better soon. This must be really hard, hopefully the Dr. can find some resolution for the interm until the MTX kicks in.

Thank you! The pain meds make me tired so I guess sleep distracts from pain, lol!!

I'm so sorry. Been there, done that, except my ER visit was on Christmas a few years ago. Try and sleep and let the meds work.

I have had a flare following my Remicade infusion also. It lasted about a week and when it was over I was better than before the Remicade infusion. I did not interpret it as my body figting the Remicade but waiting for the blood level to reach a therapeutic level. I take mtx in addition to Remicade to keep my antibodies against the Remicade as after a year each Humiria, Enbrel and Simponi all stopped working for me after about a year each. The flare after Remicade has never happened before, I am curious to see what happens next month.

I’m doing much better overall since last week but still have a bit of nagging pain. I switched to the intramuscular MTX today so hopefully that will help, the oral made me feel awful. I’m in the process of switching rheumatologists, mine wants to go part time but I have a full time disease and it is just not working with her…every thing with her is solved by steroids. But I’m on my way, had a successful new derm appointment who is the top in stl with dealing with psoriasis and PsA who is arranging things with a new rheum. I’m happy with the way today’s appointment went. Progress is progress, even if its small.