No pain after surgery?

I recently found out that I have PSA and will start my meds next week. Up until now I have only been taking 2400mgs of Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation.

I have had 6 operations since Oct 2018. 3 on my left wrist and elbow, 1 on shoulder, 1 on my right knee and 1 cataract.

Every time I need an operation I have to stop taking any anti inflammatory meds the week of surgery. By the day of surgery I can hardly walk or lift my right shoulder.

The strange part that no doctor can explain is why nothing hurts after an operation.

I had wrist surgery yesterday and when I woke up my knee and shoulder feel great even though nothing was done too them.

Has anyone else had this happen to them???

Well, you’re way ahead of me for that time period. I’ve had surgery on my shoulder, a biopsy, and one cataract surgery done.

That wasn’t what you were asking about though. Yes! I have totally had that happen. The best way that I’ve been able to figure it out, is that your brain can’t really focus on different pain at once , so it prioritises it. That means that post-surgical pain is likely going to be the winner every time. Or at least that’s been my experience as well.

I have had post-surgical flares, but that’s usually about a week to two weeks post-surgery. It’s almost like my body just gets too tired of dealing with everything and doesn’t have enough meds on board.

Haha, a lot of people here are going to hate you!

There have been many times in my life when I’ve felt absolutely no physical pain after injuries, surgery etc. I think the simplest answer is that pain responses are a lot more complex than we think.

By contrast, I experience extreme mental anguish while attempting to cook a turkey … wish me luck!

I hope you heal really well.

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I think your immune system is simply overwhelmed by the added insult of the operation to bother with inflaming you elsewhere. It can do the same if you get pregnant. People with PsA during pregnancy often find all PsA symptoms simply disappear for the duration. Also if you get a real bad cold or chest infection etc - your PsA symptoms often recede too given you’re fighting the virus instead. It’s a tend to happen thing rather than than an absolute though.

It can happen with psoriasis too - some people if they graze or cut their leg will find their psoriasis gets worse there. Others will find their psoriasis gets all better there. In psoriasis it’s called Keobner’s syndrome and Reverse Keobner’s syndrome.

That so makes sense! I’ve noticed when I have a really bad flare in one place, the other place that hurts all the time doesn’t ask for my attention as much. So, as much as I don’t like flares or new pain, I do like being able to occasionally ignore my painful feet or my ears ringing so loud!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

The no pain only lasts a few days and when I woke up today my knee and shoulder were back to hurting. I am seeing my knee doctor tomorrow and I am kind of glad the knee is starting to hurt, so he will believe me.

Every time I tell a doctor about no pain they think I am making it up.

Cooking a turkey when you feel well is stressful so I cant imagine doing it when not feeling 100%

I hope everyone has a great holiday!!!

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Hummm. I don’t disagree with the reality of pain focus but this is giving my wife good reason to give me a good hard kick in the ass to “help” me with my foot pain! Now it hurts to walk or sit down! (Or laugh)
Wishing all of you a marvellous Christmas season in which joy and peace prevail over your painful days!


I have the loud ringing as well. I have to have an MRI next week to see if I can have steroid injections in my ear to help.

It drives me crazy and the best way for me to deal with it is to wear headphones and listen to music.

My wife has been great but I think she is about ready to trade me in for a newer model with more options!!!

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Is there any correlation between tinnitus and PsA?

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That makes sense. My man brain can only do one thing at a time =)

I don’t feel as crazy now that I know other people have felt the same way.

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I assume that you didn’t have to chase the turkey through the bush with a loaded gun, or drag it back home through briars and nettles up hill and then clean it and pluck it. So, now that the hard part is over, Throw it in a big pot and turn up the heat! But as you wish…”good luck” Sybil! I’m sure someone out there has a better recipe called “Cooking a Turkey with PsA”.


I am not sure if there is a correlation but to me it seems like they go together. I have had both issues about the same amount of time.

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There can be. Those little bones in your ear can get inflamed too. And some meds can bring it on as well, sulfasalazine being one of them.

I had shingles a few months back and I think you are right about the brain not being able to focus on everything that hurts. Knowing a little about pain control from being a hypnotist, you are correct. While I had shingles, the pain from the PSA was less. At first I wondered if it was from the antivirals. I’ll pass on having shingles a gain though.

I cant imagine having shingles along with everything else. I hope you are feeling better

Yes I’ve had that experience too but don’t know why it happens. It happens if I get a serious infection too.

I have found this quite often with my many surgeries, body is preoccupied with staving off infections to attack itself.