janeatiu while not stashing cadburry eggs has agreed to be the administrator of our face book extension at https://www.facebook.com/livingwithpsoriaticarthritis She will also be a part of our mod group here. We are really excited that she has agreed to help in such a major way. The primary purpose of the facebook page is to help direct traffic here. While the social media team made up moderators of several of our communities provides general content to the facebook pages which will eventually be one for each Bens Friend community, janeatiu will be addressing specific items relating to psoriatic arthritis.
In other news there has been some "Ninging" to our navigation bar. The mod team has worked it over and made some changes and additions to both it and the home page. If something is missing please let us know and we'll try to accommodate and restore.
Thanks all for being a part of this growing community.
Thanks for all the work you do Lamb and congratulations to Jane. She will be an asset to our team. I am sorry I have been among the missing. I am having a flare and feel like crap. I hope to be home soon!
Are you saying you are still in the Hospital?? This has been a tough spring for the mod staff. I think that leaves Jane as the only one standing. Well Seenie is floating..............
No Lamb I am at home. I meant home here. Sorry. But I haven't been out much. I did get to church on Easter though. But it has been 12 weeks since I had Remicade and still have not started Stelara. Ihave asked for some vicodin and flexeril to help out till then......
When I discovered I was holding my breath due to pain all day I decided it was time to treat it. It will only be until I have the Stelara on board. Maybe I will be able to reach my bottom again and lie down in the bed instead of some parts still up while aI am down! Thank God fro body pillows! And I love my new recliner now that I have gotten over the sticker shock!
Thanks for all your kind messages. Just so you know I'm about to start modifying the FB page. Those of you on FB can "like" the page if you like here: Living With PSA FB