MTX & Leflumide

I’m on week 5 of MTX, and week 2 of Leflumide. My psoriasis is actually getting worse. Is this normal? I’m newly diagnosed, but know now that I’ve had PsA for years. Psoriasis started two years ago on my elbows, but that was the only place. Since I’ve been on the meds, it is appearing in different spots now. I thought the meds were supposed to help clear the P? It’s funny, when the P started on my elbows,I was working with a personal trainer at the gym. He told me my elbows felt hot to the touch & for me to ask the doc about it. And I did. Promptly given an ointment and sent on my way. I am really tired of doctors!

Im not sure if I spelled Leflumide correctly, but I’m too tired to get up & get the bottle. This is my day to take MTX and it makes me feel exhausted. So please excuse poor spelling!

I sorry that you are feeling so bad. That really stink, especially when you are on meds and waiting for them to kick in.
The uptake in psoriasis spots could simply be related to a flare, and your psoriasis is just getting worse. It shouldn’t be related to the meds. Make suet that you are staying out of the sun. It can make plaques worse if you are getting too much sun exposure while taking MTX.
You might ask for injections of the MTX. Why I started it, I went straight to injections after reading that a lot of patients got to skip most of the side effects if they went that route. Under the “Newbies” tab on the man discussion page, there is a write up on MTX. Give it a look, and you may find some helpful information there.

Again, I am sorry that you are feeling bad. It does get better though. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply, GrumpyCat. I’m hanging in there with the meds so far. I did read all the newbies info & am reading my way through the blogs too. I love to read! :slight_smile: There are some really good folks on this site. Thanks for reaching out to me - it does mean a lot. Take care!