So I bought a cane. I'm a 23 year old with a cane. At least it's a cute one ;). Do you use a mobility aid? If so, what? I've been having horrible tendon problems with my right foot so a cane is the way I went.
I could have used a cane when I was a teenager, but didn't get canes until last year (at age 36). I also use a wheelchair when necessary. I have two sets of canes - black ones with purple handles (wood) and purple majesty folding canes with palm grips for days when I'm feeling fairly well and might need canes while I'm out and about.
It took me a while to make friends with my mobility devices (see my blog: :) ), but I'm SO glad I have them. And having fabulous canes (I love yours!!!) can be a lot of fun.
Emma love the cane. You have to use whatever works so you can get out and about. I use a wheelchair if I am out shopping, at the zoo, anywhere I have to walk around too much. I get up and walk around with it and push it. Sometimes I get some looks :) . Ihave a scooter. I haven't used it yet. I look at it. a lovely red color came with it's own little garage. A " dear elderly( elderly being the key word here) passed away and the family asked if I wanted it. One of these days I will use it, but not yet. I can still walk ,maybe when the grandkids get here?. Emma use what ever you need to help get around. I have 3 canes. (I keep forgetting them on holidays) But my fave it the multicolor one.
keep icinig that ankle to keep the swelling down. I hope it gets better fast.
Back to the tablet I still need to figure it out :)
Hi, I am looking at getting a cane for those days when I need extra help. I was looking at a folding cane since I could pack it and take it with me if I knew I was going to do alot of walking. Can you tell me if you prefer the folding cane or a simple straight forward cane? Also, where did you get yours? Iknow I like the derby handle idea but other than that I am not sure.
I love this cane, where did you fine it?
I got it from the hospital shop nearby, but you can get them off this site . :) they cost more than one you might get from a pharmacy but I think it's worth it because it is cute and makes me feel less awkward walking around.
I like having a folding cane because most of the time I don't need one, but often I can't predict when I will so I can have it easily folded away in my backpack or large purse. I haven't actually used a solid cane because i've only just started :) but I think both kinds have pros and cons.
Hi Emma,
That is one cool device!
You are too young to remember 'Bat Masterson', the tv show, but he was the greatest of his day, and was amazing with his cane, not only could he twirl it, throw it, and pull off various tricks with it, his cane had a derringer in it! He used his for protection, and so do you.
I should have had one years ago, but don't think my hands and wrists would ever hold me up, so I limp and grab people and walls!
If it helps you walk better, it is a good idea!
I get my canes at
I prefer my foldable canes because I can fold them and stow them in my purse when at a restaurant, concert, etc.
I have actually thought of a cane for my "duct tape" days (when it takes a lot to keep me together), but my PsA has affected my hands, fingers, and wrists and I think the extra pressure put on my hand using a cane would be more trouble than it's worth.
I use palm grip canes due to the arthritis in my hands, fingers, and wrists and don't have a problem. On really bad hand days, I use them in combination with soft spica splints. Some insurance companies cover canes if you get a prescription from your doctor for them and get them from a pre-approved medical supply place.
LaraRipkens said:
I have actually thought of a cane for my "duct tape" days (when it takes a lot to keep me together), but my PsA has affected my hands, fingers, and wrists and I think the extra pressure put on my hand using a cane would be more trouble than it's worth.
Hi there. I'm a new member and I LOVE your cane. I'm a big fan of polka dots, so there you go. In answer to your question, yes I do use a cane too. I started using it about a month ago and esp. need it for stairs. Like you, I got a fancy, funky one with butterflies all over it that reminds me of the 60's and a Peter Maxx work. Makes me feel better having a pretty one.
The foldable ones sound esp. useful. Wish I had thought of the portability factor when purchasing one, since I don't always need it when out.
My new doc was a bit blown away that i need it at my age but whatever works!
Good thread, btw.
I've got a Palm grip cane just like this one, but not foldable.
Palm grips mold into your hand a little easier which I figured would do better in the long run if I need to use it for a long time.
I thought at 33 I was too young for a cane. Everyone thought I broke my foot or knee. I've got a lot of comments on how distiguished it makes me look.
That's my cane. I have Ziggy (my wheelchair), too - and he's getting a makeover soon. I'll post photos when we're done with him.
nice cane Nym! I am getting me one of those. Red's my color though
I work at Home Depot, big, large concrete floors all day long. I bought a knee scooter to get around. It works great, doesn't make me feel like the old man that I am and everyone thinks my knee scooter is cool. I have to admit, it is really fun to buzz around on it and it does look really cool.
Here is my knee scooter, I got the green one:
I hope this helps, I got mine for $370.