Methotrexate and Enbrel

Is anyone taking these two and if so do you experience bad allergies you didnt have before. I have horible dry eyes and sinus…Or is this just another symptom of PSA

There is a condition with PsA which does effect the eyes

When I was taking Enbrel, I always felt like I was coming down with a cold. The symptoms went away when I switched to another biologic. I assume your Rheumy has checked you for Sjogrens syndrome which causes very dry eyes.

I have very dry eyes and a very dry mouth, especially at night. I have been test for Sjorgren's and I don't have that. I am on methotrexate, and have been on both Enbrel and Humira and didn't see any difference. Is it the Methotrexate? I never thought of that, Is it just PSA? The biologics have cleared up the iritis, which was a part of the PSA.

And again, same with PsA, not everyone will have positive blood markers for Sjogren's. If you are already being treated for PsA, then additional treatments would mostly be eye drops, special toothpaste, and home based care. My rheumy never even tested, as it presented itself so blatantly. I had asked specifically if it could be medication related and she said absolutely not.

We never did a lip biopsy, and my eyes are such a dry disaster that it wasn't necessary to test that either.

Hi Debee, I’m Kathryn from the UK, I’m on methotrexate for PsA, I’ve been diagnosed since 2008. I also get dry eyes, mouth and sinus problems, not sure which is cause, but I’m losing hair at great rate so now I can see scalp quite easily! Does anyone get this problem?

I am just on Methotrexate and I have these problems but they actually started about a month before I started the meds which leads me to believe it is the PsA. Two months later though the symptoms (especially post nasal drip) are so much worse...

I've had dry eyes/dry mouth/horrible allergies my entire life. I've been on MTX/Enbrel combination, and didn't notice a significant difference in the dryness/allergies. I take a prescription allergy pill twice a day, don't wear contacts (make my eyes even dryer - even the hydro thingys), and have something to drink by my hand at all times of the day and night. I have never talked to the doc about any of this because this has been part of my life for so long that it never even occurred to me that it might be PsA/treatment related.

K.T. Yup. got bald spots and my hair has become incredibly thin and wispy, whereas it used to be so thick my ponytail was about 3-4 inches in diameter. Now....maybe 1/2 inch thick. I clean the drain of my tub every couple of days and end up with handfuls of hair every time. Unfortunately, the bald spots tend to coincide with patches of Psoriasis on my scalp, so not only can you see scalp, you can see all the crusty crap too. I figure eventually it will all fall out and I'll buy a couple of different wigs :) Blonde one day, redhead the next....whoo hoo. My hubby won't know what hit him! :)

Both drugs cause a very high level of "dehydration" and effect how fluids are utilized in the body. If you are consuming 1 - 1 1/2 of water per pound of water weight, you can expect all thy symptoms described, high levels of fatigue, hairloss, flaky skin, nausea, and more. Its all in the prescribing info.

You can messure your water. (I just fill 10 bottled water bottles for the day) An other good indicator is if you get up twice during the night you may be consoming enough. If you want to add another disease to your list, thats fine. One of the key treatments is to drink 1 - 1 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight.

The good news is these symptoms are clear evidence that tnf inhibitation is occuring. Keep in mind one of the big three in this disease is taking care of your body.

Enbrel was the worst drug I ever took. It is the reason I am on these sights. I got an ADEM 2 years ago from Enbril. My live will never be the same again. I went from an IQ of 147 to the high 90's. I now have no working memory. Methotrexate is a tough drug also .I only took it for a few weeks when I was on Enbrel because it made me feel so crappy. Atter the Enbril induced ADEM, I tried a lot of different drugs and Orencia was pretty good . about 44 days ago they started me on Zeljanz. This is a great drug so 5 days all of my psoriasis was gone. Even on Enbril some of my psoriasis was there.

Fortunately there are more options for treatment now. find a good doctor who will listen and try more options if you think you need them. Most importantly be careful with enbril !!!!!!


K.T. Eddy said:

Hi Debee, I'm Kathryn from the UK, I'm on methotrexate for PsA, I've been diagnosed since 2008. I also get dry eyes, mouth and sinus problems, not sure which is cause, but I'm losing hair at great rate so now I can see scalp quite easily! Does anyone get this problem?

sunny said: I have the same problem with lose. This is one of the side effects of the drug. My doctor put me on folic acid 2mg daily. It really helped with the hair lose. However, the hair that I had already lost has not grown back. The doctor said that it would grow back when I stopped the methotrexate. Hope this helps. :)

K.T. Eddy said:

Hi Debee, I'm Kathryn from the UK, I'm on methotrexate for PsA, I've been diagnosed since 2008. I also get dry eyes, mouth and sinus problems, not sure which is cause, but I'm losing hair at great rate so now I can see scalp quite easily! Does anyone get this problem?

Hair loss/MTX - I have taken 1 mg of folic acid daily (as prescribed by my doc) since I first went on the MTX. Did not prevent hair loss. Or maybe it did prevent some hair loss (meaning I would be completely bald now instead of having thinning hair with bald spots). Folic acid is great stuff, and important to offset some of the side effects of MTX, but it is not going to prevent all of them.

I haven't noticed hair loss. Been on MTX and folic acid for years.....but then I am the lucky one I guess. Almost no mouth sores, etc

I have been diagnosed for 2 years and I too am on methotrexate and Humira. My hair has thinned greatly too. I am on 5 mg of folic acid daily. Sometimes I get mouth sores and sometimes my eyes get very dry. I also have diabetes and retinopathy, so I don’t know what one causes what. It’s difficult dealing with all the symptoms, but I couldn’t function if not being on these drugs. I would ask your doctor to increase your folic acid to see if that helps.

I can do that myself if I want to. Maybe I'll try that. I'm so used to the dry eyes and mouth now. Eye doctor finally let me have a contact in the eye without the implant, so now I can see evenly. She is not very happy about the contact, but it makes a world of difference to me. Like one person said, if it is Sjogrens, I'm already having the treatment, so my doctor is not going to test me for it; won't change a thing.

Another person said the dryness mean the TNF was being inhibited, which is a good thing and is what I want, so who knows? I'll try doubling the methotrexate. He said I could try that if I want.

I am on methotrexate injection 0.8 once a week with folic acid every day since i have been on it i have developed dry eyes and also sinus like symptoms the psoriasis has gotten worse over time comes and goes but nit complelely gone then each time it comes back i develop more use to be only in my scalp now on my face back head i have real thick hair but lately it does feel like it is getting thinner .i found drinking more water then i was really helped with the dry eyes and sinus to i always drank a lot any way but adding a little more helped but that is me i know everyone is different as for my pain i have my bad days but i have excpted the fact that every day i am going to be in pain but some days are going to be worse then others i get angry at this terrible diease and sit and cry but tell myself it is okay to do this it helps me cope i am also on a depression med to have been for about 8 months now i hit rock bottom once and never want to go there again my mind is fuzzy a lot memory stinks but today is a good day sorry got off track hope this has helped god bless

I'm a bit concerned with the water intake formula here. Where can I find supporting docs. I'm not sure I can drink 2 - 3 gallons of water every day. Thanks

tntlamb said:

Both drugs cause a very high level of "dehydration" and effect how fluids are utilized in the body. If you are consuming 1 - 1 1/2 of water per pound of water weight, you can expect all thy symptoms described, high levels of fatigue, hairloss, flaky skin, nausea, and more. Its all in the prescribing info.

You can messure your water. (I just fill 10 bottled water bottles for the day) An other good indicator is if you get up twice during the night you may be consoming enough. If you want to add another disease to your list, thats fine. One of the key treatments is to drink 1 - 1 1/2 oz of water per pound of body weight.

The good news is these symptoms are clear evidence that tnf inhibitation is occuring. Keep in mind one of the big three in this disease is taking care of your body.

Making sure you are getting enough potassium and salt, which help balance electrolytes, can also help you get and stay hydrated. Drinking clear fluids and avoiding sodas and artificial drinks can help. I drink a ridiculous amount of water a day, and lots at night, too, and still feel dehydrated during the first week after my infusion. Eating a banana a day has helped tremendously, as has going with my cravings for salty foods.

The minimum fluid intake is theoretically 1/2 oz per pound of body weight for a healthy person, When inflamed or taking MTX they recommend doubling it. Its scary for sure, now granted you get some fluid from normal food etc. There are about 90000 references throughout the internet. 1 - 1 1/2oz may be pushing it but not really. Keep in mind most of us are consumeing a fair amount of NSAIDS which also increase the need for fluid. I gurantee you you won't be 360# plus for long if you consume even half again the amount of water recommended just to maintain normal hydration (Just a hair under 2 gallons)...............